WordPress to SocialPilot Pro
Automatically send content to your SocialPilot account for scheduled publishing to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and more.
Version 2.2.7 (21st January, 2025)
Documentation | Changelog

Automatically Share Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types to Social Media
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro can be configured to schedule status messages for Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types to any of the following social networks, through your SocialPilot account:
- Facebook (Pages and Groups)
- LinkedIn (Pages and Profiles)
- Instagram (Business Profiles)*
- Google My Business
- Tumblr
- VK (Profiles and Communities)
Simply connect WordPress to SocialPilot Pro to your SocialPilot account in a few clicks (no complex access tokens needed!), choosing how and when you want to publish content to your social media profiles. That’s it.
* It’s free to convert Instagram Personal Profiles to an Instagram Business Profiles for Direct Scheduling. Read more.

Post Direct to Instagram
If you have an Instagram Business Profile, WordPress to SocialPilot Pro can schedule posts to be published straight to your Instagram. There’s no need to act on a posting ‘reminder’.
Don’t have an Instagram Business Profile? It’s free to switch your personal profile.
Full Support for Pages, Posts and Custom Post Types
As well as Posts and Pages, WordPress to SocialPilot Pro works with all public Custom Post Types, including WooCommerce Products or any Theme / Plugin defined Custom Post Types.
For each Page, Post, Custom Post Type and Social Media account combination, separate options are available to enable or disable content sharing when:
- Manually reposting an existing Post (Bulk Publish)
- Publishing a new Post (Publish)
- Updating an existing published Post (Update)
- Automatically reposting an existing Post (Repost)

Multiple, Customisable Status Messages per Post
PFor each Post Type and Social Media account combination, you can specify any number of unique statuses – each with their own text and options.
Status updates are dynamically built using template tags. These include the Post’s title, excerpt, content, date, URL, any custom field data (including Advanced Custom Fields, Events Manager, The Events Calendar, Yoast SEO and more), any Post taxonomy terms and the Post’s author.
Shortcodes are also supported in the status text.
For example, you can share your content three times to Facebook, once to Twitter and twice to Instagram over the period of two days – each with their own, unique status messages.
Separate Options per Social Network
Unique status messages can be defined on a per-Post and social media account basis, allowing for any possible configuration to meet your social media publishing needs.
For example, you could define three short status updates for your Twitter profile, to be posted every week after a Post is published, alongside two Facebook status updates which contain more content.

Powerful Scheduling
Each social media status update can independently be set to:
- Add to End of SocialPilot Queue
- Add to Start of SocialPilot Queue
- Publish immediately,
- Publish at a defined time period after the Post’s publish date.
- Publish at a defined time period after a Post’s custom field / meta value (such as an ACF date field).
- The Events Calendar Plugin and Events Manager: schedule social media status updates based on your Event’s Start or End date, as well as display Event-specific details in your status updates.
Conditional Publishing
Status updates can be set to conditionally be sent to SocialPilot based on a Post’s:
- Author(s),
- Published Date Range,
- Taxonomy Terms (Categories, Tags and Custom Taxonomies),
- Custom Field Values.
For Custom Field values, comparison operators include Equals, Does not Equal, Great Than or Equal to, Less Than, Less Than or Equal to, Like (partial match) and Not Like (partial match).
This is useful when you want to conditionally send updates (or send different updates) for a Post:
- To specific social media profiles belonging to a specific WordPress Author (User),
- Depending on the Post’s Categories,
- If the Post’s published date falls between a given day and month range (useful for seasonal posts),
- To different Pinterest boards depending on the Post Category,
- Depending on whether a Custom Field Key’s value matches a given value
- Depending on whether a Custom Field’s Key contains a given value

Automatically Repost Old Posts
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro is the ideal solution if you want to revive old Posts, Pages or Custom Post Types that you’re unlikely to manually edit or update, which perhaps contain evergreen and always relevant content that would be useful to your social media followers.
For each Post Type, you can choose the maximum number of Posts per day to re-share, how often to re-share the same Post and how old the Post should be for it to be reposted to SocialPilot. For example, you can set Posts to be re-shared to social media every 5 days, 3 weeks, annually etc, relative to the Post’s published date.
Just like the settings available when publishing and updating Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types, one or more status updates can be added for each Post Type and Social Media account, as well as powerful scheduling and conditional publishing.
Manually Bulk Publish Old Posts
If you prefer more control over reviving old Posts that you’re unlikely to manually edit or update, the Bulk Publish functionality is perfect for evergreen WordPress content that you want to send occasionally or one time to your social media profiles.
The simple bulk publishing interface allows you to query for Posts, Pages or Custom Post Types published in a specified time period, before choosing which Posts, Pages or Custom Post Types to schedule for sharing on your chosen social media accounts.
You can also choose Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types using the Bulk Actions in WordPress, and send them straight to your SocialPilot queue.

Per-Post Settings
Per-Post Settings offer greater control for the times where you need to define specific social media status updates for an individual Post, Page or Custom Post Type.
The same settings interface and options above are available in the WordPress Editor, allowing you to define one or more status updates – specific to a Post – for the publish, update and repost actions, for each social media account connected to SocialPilot.
Full Image Control
For each Post Type and Social Media account combination, you can choose to either have your SEO or Open Graph Plugin define the image to include with your social media updates, or let WordPress to SocialPilot Pro use your Post’s Featured Image (either linked, or not linked, to your Post).
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro also provides its own Featured Image option, should your Custom Post Type not have Featured Image support, and/or you need to use a different image for your social network posts vs. your Post’s Featured Image.
Alternatively, there’s an option on each status message to automatically generate an image from some text, with global configuration options including font type, size, foreground and background colors and per-profile background images.

Multiple Images per Status
For Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon and Instagram*, up to 4 images can be specified to be included in a status update.
Users can then click on the individual images within the status to see the full size versions.
Built For The Future
More Features
That’s not all. Thanks to over 10 years of development, WP to SocialPilot Pro (probably) has everything you need to automate sharing your WordPress content to social media, including:
Generate Images from Text
No Featured Image, but want to post to a network that requires an image (such as Instagram or Pinterest)? No problem.
For each status message, optionally choose to generate an image from text. Text can be separate to the status’ text.
Global configuration options include font type, size, foreground and background colors and per-profile background images.
Compatible with Frontend Posting and Auto Blogging Plugins
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro is compatible with most front end posting and auto blogging Plugins, including:
- User Submitted Posts
- WP Property Feed Plugin
- WPeMatico
- WP Job Manager Broadbean Addon
WP-Cron and WP-CLI Compatible
When publishing or updating a Post, WP-Cron can be enabled, allowing WordPress to send status updates through its Cron system a few minutes later. This helps improve performance.
For developers and advanced users with WP-CLI enabled on their WordPress installations, WordPress to SocialPilot Pro provides WP-CLI commands to:
- Bulk Publish, instead of using the WordPress Admin UI
- Repost, instead of using WP-Cron,
RRP $499
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RRP $299
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Lifetime Support & Updates
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RRP $139
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Great for professionals who are building a lot of WordPress websites.
1 Year Support & Updates
Unlimited Sites
WordPress Multisite Supported
RRP $59
per year
Save $20
Great for beginners who want to use WP to SocialPilot Pro on 1 site.
1 Year Support & Updates
1 Site

You are fully protected by our 100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee. If you don’t like your initial purchase over the next 14 days, then we will happily refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
Got a question? We’ve got you covered! Check out the resources below and be sure to let us know if we can answer anything else.
What are the hosting requirements?
You must have either a self-hosted WordPress site, or a WordPress.com site with the Business Plan or higher, running at least version WordPress 5.0 and PHP 7.2.
Is WordPress to SocialPilot Pro kept up to date?
Yes. The latest update is 2.2.7, released 21st January, 2025, tested up to WordPress 6.7.1. View the Changelog to see a full list of updates
Do I have to pay every year?
You must renew your license every year for continued functionality, support and updates (unless purchasing a Lifetime or Agency license).
Can I upgrade my license later?
Yes. You can upgrade an active (non expired) license, only paying the pro rata difference between the upgraded license and your current license.
Do you offer a free trial?
You’re welcome to purchase a license, and if within 14 days it is not suitable, simply request a refund – no questions asked.
Can I let my clients use this Plugin?
An Agency License is required, or have your clients purchase their own license. If purchasing an Agency license, support requests must come from the license holder – not your clients.
Still have questions?
Send us an email via the support page.
Social Media Sharing, Reimagined
Using another automated social media sharing solution?
It’s frustrating when a product isn’t maintained, updated, supported, or worse – completely abandoned. WordPress to SocialPilot Pro has been developed since January 2014, and is still actively developed today.
If you’re a Jetpack Social, Blog2Social, Revive Old Posts or NextScripts Social Networks Auto-Poster user looking for a replacement to auto post to Twitter / X, WordPress to SocialPilot is one of the best auto post to Twitter solutions that still works in 2023, as SocialPilot still works with Twitter / X.
With automatic reposting of old Posts, conditional publishing and powerful scheduling, we think WordPress to SocialPilot Pro is a great alternative.
Simply register for an account with SocialPilot, connect your social media profiles and start sending your old Posts to your social media profiles.
There’s no need to register applications, wait for approvals or be frustrated with Posts not publishing to your social network.
Finally, there’s no hyped potential earnings or crazy claims, and you’re covered by our 14 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee on your initial purchase.