
Log Settings

WordPress to SocialPilot Pro can log the result of each status message sent to SocialPilot through the Publish, Update, Repost and Bulk Publish actions.

Most of the time you won’t need to do anything with these Logs – however, they’re useful to confirm if WordPress to SocialPilot Pro attempted to send a status to SocialPilot, and whether the status was accepted.

In the WordPress Administration, click on the WP to SocialPilot Pro > Settings in the menu.
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Settings Menu

WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Log Settings

Enable Logging

If enabled, for each Post, the Plugin will log whether statuses were sent to SocialPilot, and if so the result.

Display on Posts

If enabled, this displays Post-specific Logs on each Post when editing a Post, Page or Custom Post Type in the WordPress Administration interface.

WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Log Output: Post

Log Level

The Log Level defines which log results to save to the Log database.  This is useful if you only want to log specific results, such as success and error messages.

  • Success: When enabled, statuses that are successfully added to SocialPilot will be added to the log.
  • Tests: When enabled, statuses that are sent using Test Mode will be added to the log.
  • Pending: When enabled, statuses that are due to be sent using WordPress’ CRON will be added to the log.
    • This happens when Use WP Cron is enabled in the Plugin’s settings.
  • Warnings: When enabled, log entries are added when status settings result in no statuses being sent to SocialPilot
    • This is useful to help diagnose why a status is not sending to SocialPilot when you expect it to – for example, you might have Status Conditions enabled, or did not enable the specific action (Publish, Update etc)
  • Errors: Errors returned from SocialPilot when attempting to add a status will be added to the log.
    • This option is always enabled.

Preserve Logs

Preserve Logs defines the number of days to preserve logs for before they are automatically purged (deleted) from the log database table.  A sensible default is provided by the Plugin of 30 days, but you may wish to adjust this accordingly.

If the value is zero or blank, logs are kept indefinitely and never automatically deleted.

To monitor your WordPress Cron jobs, we recommend installing WP Crontrol. WordPress to SocialPilot Pro will display the Log Cleanup job with the Hook Name wp_to_socialpilot_pro_log_cleanup_cron

Logs can manually be deleted through the Logs screen by a WordPress Administrator.

View Logs

To view the Logs, click on WP to SocialPilot Pro > Logs in the WordPress Administration interface:
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Logs Menu

A table will be displayed, showing all status activity, ordered by when a status was sent to SocialPilot, newest to oldest:
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Logs

Understanding Log Entries

Each log entry comprises of the following information:

Column Description
Post ID The Post ID the Log Entry refers to.
Request Sent When the status was sent from the Plugin to SocialPilot
Action The Post Action that triggered this status (Publish, Update, Repost, Bulk Publish)
Profile The Social Media Profile the status message is for
Status Text The Status Text of the status message
Result The result from sending the status to SocialPilot:

  • Success: The status was added to SocialPilot successfully.
  • Test: The status would be added to SocialPilot successfully, but the WP-CLI command for Reposting or Bulk Publishing used the –test_mode flag.  No status was added to SocialPilot.
  • Warning: No status was added to SocialPilot, because the Post or Plugin settings don’t provide any status(es) to add to SocialPilot.  This can be due to Status Conditions, or a particular Post Type not having statuses enabled.  This is not an error, and typically by design based on how each individual site owner configures their Plugin.
  • Error: The status was not added to SocialPilot.  The Response field will provide more information on the issue.
Response The response from either the Plugin or SocialPilot, depending on the Result:

  • Success: A message from SocialPilot confirming that the status was added.
  • Test:
  • Warning:
  • Error:
SocialPilot: Status Created At (Only when Result = Success).  When the status was added to SocialPilot.
SocialPilot: Status Scheduled For (Only when Result = Success).  When the status is scheduled to be sent by SocialPilot to the Profile.

If you’ve configured multiple statuses, or enabled statuses to be sent to multiple social media profiles, you will see individual log entries for each status and social media profile combination.

Define Table Columns to Display

By default, all Log Entries’ attributes are displayed on screen.

You can adjust which columns of data to display by:

  • Clicking the Screen Options tab at the top right of the screen:
    WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Logs: Screen Options
  • Check or uncheck the relevant columns to display/hide:
    WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Logs: Table Columns
  • Click the Apply button
This setting is stored on a per-User basis, and therefore only affects the current logged in User.   

Define Number of Logs per Page

By default, up to 20 Log Entries are displayed on screen before pagination is then output, allowing you to paginate through your Logs:
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Logs: Pagination

You can adjust the number of Log Entries per Page by:

  • Clicking the Screen Options tab at the top right of the screen:
    WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Logs: Screen Options
  • Enter the number of Log Entries to display per Page:
    WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Logs: Entries per Page
  • Click the Apply button
This setting is stored on a per-User basis, and therefore only affects the current logged in User.   

Viewing Post-specific Logs

To view logs for a specific Post, you can either:

  • Edit the Post, or
  • Use the Logs screen and search by Post Title or ID

Edit Post

Edit the Post that you wish to view the Log for.

The Log will then be displayed in a meta box towards the bottom of the screen:
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Log Output: Post

Search Logs Screen

To view logs for a specific Post ID, or partial Post Title, from the Logs screen:

  • Enter the Post ID, or partial Post Title, in the search box:
    WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Search
  • Click the Search button.

A table will be displayed, showing Log Entries matching the Post ID or partial Post Title

Filtering Logs

Logs can be filtered by:

  • Action (Post Publish, Post Update, Automatic Repost or Bulk Publish)
  • Social Media Profile
  • Result (Success, Test, Warning or Error)
  • Request Sent Date Range

To filter the logs, click on the relevant filter above the table, selecting the applicable value:
WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Filters

Click the Apply button to see the filtered logs.

Delete Log Entries

To delete one or more log entries:

  • Click the checkbox beside each log entry in the table:
    WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Bulk Actions: Select
  • Under Bulk Actions, select Delete:
    WordPress to SocialPilot Pro: Bulk Actions: Delete
  • Click the Apply button
Deleting Log Entries is irreversible.  Only do so if you do not need the Log Entries for further debugging.

Clear Log

To delete all log entries:

  • Click the Clear Log button
Clearing the Log will delete ALL Log Entries, and is irreversible.  Only do so if you do not need the Log Entries for further debugging.


Last Updated