5.2.2 (2025-01-21)
* Added: Text to Image: Option to use Featured Image as Background Image. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/text-to-image-settings/#background-image
* Added: Status: Images: Option to automatically populate additional images from Post content. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–image
* Fix: Featured and Additional Images: Only send maximum number of supported images based on the social network.
5.2.1 (2025-01-08)
* Added: Text to Image: Support for emojis in text. Requires the PHP Imagick extension. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/text-to-image-settings/#text-font
* Added: Featured and Additional Images: Support for up to 10 images for supported social networks. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/
* Fix: Status: Tags: Character Limit, Sentence Limit, Word Limit: Ensure status is not blank when emojis are included in text
5.2.0 (2024-12-22)
* Fix: Text to Image: Added support for Threads, Bluesky and Mastodon
* Fix: Text to Image: Display error if background image cannot be loaded, instead of a fatal error
5.1.9 (2024-12-11)
* Fix: Bluesky: Include image `width` and `height` properties in API call to ensure image aspect ratio maintained
5.1.8 (2024-11-25)
* Fix: Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly in WordPress 6.7 and higher
5.1.7 (2024-11-18)
* Added: Status: Pinterest: Option to specify Pin Title and Destination Link. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–pinterest
5.1.6 (2024-09-12)
* Fix: Status: Insert Tags: All in One SEO Pack Title and Description not returning values
* Fix: Log: Provide more verbose error when Buffer queue limit reached
* Fix: Log: Provide more verbose error when Featured Image failure
* Fix: Log: Improve formatting of verbose error messages
5.1.5 (2024-07-22)
* Added: Settings: Icons for Threads and Bluesky
5.1.4 (2024-07-12)
* Fix: `Call to undefined function json_validate()` error
5.1.3 (2024-07-11)
* Added: Status: Text: Custom Fields: Access serialized / JSON array values. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/using-custom-fields-statuses/#custom–fields
* Added: Status: Text: Convert HTML links to plain text without link in brackets when using {excerpt}.
* Fix: Status: Strip inline styles when using {content}
5.1.2 (2024-07-08)
* Added: Status: Conditions: WPML: Support for conditionally sending a status based on the Post language. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–conditions–wpml
5.1.1 (2024-05-23)
* Fix: Uncaught TypeError in Bulk Actions dropdown
5.1.0 (2024-05-13)
* Fix: Text to Image: Define compliant filename to prevent `#1003: Invalid image url parameter supplied` error
* Fix: Text to Image: Instagram: Honor dimensions for Post or Story
5.0.9 (2024-05-08)
* Fix: Use WP Cron: Action would not always schedule when using Gutenberg
5.0.8 (2024-04-11)
* Fix: Text to Image: PHP Deprecated notice of `Implicit conversion from float to int loses precision`
5.0.7 (2023-09-29)
* Fix: Correctly detect and differentiate REST API requests from Gutenberg REST API requests, ensuring REST API requests trigger status(es)
* Fix: Repost: Exclude Posts where “Do NOT Post to Buffer” selected
5.0.6 (2023-08-24)
* Fix: Updated WordPress Coding Standards to 3.0.0
5.0.5 (2023-08-17)
* Added: Don’t convert webp images, as these are now supported by Buffer. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/#webp-image-support
5.0.4 (2023-08-03)
* Fix: PHP Deprecated notices in PHP 8.2
5.0.3 (2023-07-28)
* Fix: Status: Reinstate missing Override checkbox due to regression in 5.0.2
5.0.2 (2023-07-27)
* Added: Plugins: Link to settings screen
* Fix: Remove duplicate call to load_language_files()
* Fix: Settings: Fetch Twitter usernames when missing
5.0.1 (2023-06-27)
* Fix: Instagram: Don’t attempt to crop or pad image to meet Instagram’s required aspect ratio when the image doesn’t exist locally
* Fix: Images: Auto padding: Fatal error when host uses Imagick for image processing
5.0.0 (2023-06-15)
* Fix: Instagram: Added auto padding to images where cropping would not meet Instagram’s required aspect ratio
* Updated: Porgues Brasil / Portuguese Brazilian Translations
4.9.9 (2023-06-06)
* Added: Status: Instagram: Option to choose Post or Story. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–instagram-stories
4.9.8 (2023-05-16)
* Added: Porgues Brasil / Portuguese Brazilian Translations
* Fix: Post: Log: Export Log: Check user can edit posts to permit export log functionality
4.9.7 (2023-05-04)
* Added: Status: Image and Text to Image: Include alt text for image(s) in status
4.9.6 (2023-02-06)
* Fix: Status: Tags: Modern Events Calendar: Output correct date when using {mec_event_start_date} and {mec_event_end_date}
4.9.5 (2023-01-26)
* Added: Status: Text: Taxonomy: Hashtag with Underscores option. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#available-tags
* Added: Status: Modern Events Calendar Integration. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/using-modern-events-calendar-plugin/
* Added: Mastodon: Support “Use Opengraph Settings” option. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/#use-opengraph-settings
4.9.4 (2022-09-26)
* Fix: Import/Export: Display menu option when Plugin not authenticted with Buffer
4.9.3 (2022-09-06)
* Added: Status: Text: Facebook: Support for multiple Facebook Page Mentions in a single status
4.9.2 (2022-09-02)
* Added: Log: Log errors when image operations (resizing, converting, uploading to Media Library) fails
* Fix: Use get_temp_dir() instead of assumed /tmp folder for writing temporary images when resizing, converting or generating text to image
4.9.1 (2022-08-25)
* Fix: Featured and Additional Images: Don’t include Page/Post’s Featured Image if image(s) defined in “Featured and Additional Images” section and “Post to Buffer using Manual Settings” enabled
4.9.0 (2022-08-04)
* Added: Google Business Profile: Support for status type (What’s New, Offer, Event) with applicable fields. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–google-business-profile
* Added: Per Post Status: Option to specify specific date and time to schedule individual statuses for
* Fix: Status: Clear profiles cache when deauthorizing and authorizing with a different Buffer account
* Fix: Improved WordPress Coding Standards
4.8.9 (2022-06-23)
* Fix: Removed clipboard.js, as WordPress provides this library
* Fix: Status: Correctly sanitize and escape status textarea field value to prevent possible XSS
4.8.8 (2022-05-12)
* Fix: Multisite: Activation: Conditionally load required hook depending on WordPress version
* Fix: Support link would not redirect to support page
4.8.7 (2022-04-01)
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Nonce check would fail when using WordPress Admin > Posts > Send to Buffer Bulk Action
4.8.6 (2022-03-31)
* Added: Settings: General Settings: Send statuses to Drafts in Buffer. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/general-settings/#send-to-drafts
4.8.5 (2022-03-25)
* Fix: Licensing: Links would incorrectly display as HTML
* Fix: Licensing: Correctly strip HTTP/HTTPS from domain before performing license key check
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Show total number of requests in log table
* Fix: Ensure code meets WordPress Coding Standards
* Fix: Multisite: Activation: When using wp_insert_site, get blog ID from WP_Site before running activation routine
4.8.4 (2022-03-17)
* Added: Status: Text to Image: Autocomplete suggestions for Tags
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Continue to next status when a Post does not meet status conditions, instead of trying the same Post again
* Fix: Status: Improved error handling when status(es) cannot be saved due to server error
* Fix: Status: Add nonce check before searching for Taxonomy Terms, Authors and Author Roles
* Fix: Post: Truly perform nonce check on form submissions
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Add nonce check on form submissions
* Fix: Repost: Test: Add nonce check before running test
* Fix: Status: Image: Removed wp-to-buffer-pro-square registered image size, as it is no longer needed
4.8.3 (2022-03-08)
* Fix: Call to undefined function _disable_block_editor_for_navigation_post_type when creating/updating Post in Gutenberg or via the REST API in WordPress 5.9+
* Fix: Use WP Cron: Update action would wrongly run when publishing a Post that had no content in Gutenberg or uses a Page Builder
* Fix: Scheduled Posts: Publish action would not run when using Gutenberg
* Fix: Customizer: Don’t load inline CSS for menu icon when loading WordPress Admin > Theme > Customize
4.8.2 (2022-03-03)
* Fix: Multisite: Activation: Use wp_insert_site hook when available in WordPress 5.1 and higher
4.8.1 (2022-02-03)
* Added: Featured and Additional Images: Select multiple images at once within the Media Library modal. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/#use-feat–image–linked-to-post
* Added: Featured and Additional Images: Drag and drop to reorder images. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/#use-feat–image–linked-to-post
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Insert tag at textarea caret position, with leading/trailing space as applicable.
* Added: Status: Yoast SEO: Facebook and Twitter Title and Description tags. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#yoast-seo
* Fix: Instagram: Auto crop portrait images less aggressively when cropping required to meet Instagram’s required aspect ratio
4.8.0 (2022-01-20)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Events Manager: Tags for Location Post Type. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#events-manager–locations
4.7.9 (2022-01-07)
* Added: Instagram: Include Post URL in Shop Grid
4.7.8 (2022-01-06)
* Fix: Settings: User Access: Post Type checkboxes for each User Role would not display if Enable Specific Post Types enabled and no Post Types selected.
4.7.7 (2021-12-16)
* Added: Status: Tags: {date} uses WordPress Admin > Settings > Site Language and Date Format options. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#available-tags
* Added: Status: Tags: {date:date(format)} uses WordPress Admin > Settings > Site Language option. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#applying-transformations
4.7.6 (2021-12-02)
* Fix: Always include WordPress media functions when converting a WebP image to JPEG and storing it in the Media Library to avoid PHP errors
4.7.5 (2021-11-22)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Featured Image Caption Plugin. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#featured-image-caption-plugin
4.7.4 (2021-11-11)
* Added: Support for images added to the Media Library by Plugins that don’t store images locally e.g. External Media without Import
4.7.3 (2021-10-21)
* Added: Licensing: Improved verification method when OpenSSL < 1.1.0 and/or web host continues to use an expired DST Root CA X3. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/installation-licensing-updates/entering-license-key/#common-issues
4.7.2 (2021-09-24)
* Fix: Status: Author Conditions: Clear Author Meta Key/Value conditions in UI when switching editing between statuses
4.7.1 (2021-09-23)
* Fix: Logs: Correctly escape search and form action
* Fix: Import & Export: Correctly escape form action
4.7.0 (2021-09-16)
* Fix: PHP Deprecated notices in PHP 8
4.6.9 (2021-09-09)
* Added: Status: Text: Convert HTML links to plain text with link in brackets, instead of just displaying the unlinked text
* Added: Status: Text: Convert HTML lists to plain text with hyphens, instead of just displaying plain text
* Fix: Status: Use OpenGraph Settings: Ensure that Post URL is sent to Buffer so that correct OpenGraph metadata is parsed by Buffer
* Fix: Status: Schedule: Custom Time (based on Custom Field / Post Meta Value): Correctly calculate status scheduled date and time relative to Timezone
* Fix: Status: Schedule: Events Manager: Correctly calculate status scheduled date and time relative to Event Start / End Date and Timezone
* Fix: Status: Schedule: The Events Calendar: Correctly calculate status scheduled date and time relative to Event Start / End Date and Timezone
4.6.8 (2021-09-02)
* Added: Status: Image: Support for .webp images when Use Feat. Image enabled and .webp image used as Featured/Additional Image. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/#webp-image-support
* Added: Status: Text: Facebook: Autocomplete suggestions for Facebook Page Mentions. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#facebook-page-mentions
4.6.7 (2021-08-26)
* Added: Status: Remove HTML from shortcodes included in status text
4.6.6 (2021-08-05)
* Added: Instagram: Auto crop image if aspect ratio would prevent direct scheduling working
4.6.5 (2021-07-29)
* Fix: Bulk Publishing: Use improved Javascript library for sending statuses
4.6.4 (2021-07-15)
* Added: New Installations: Clearer workflow for connecting to Buffer and connecting social media profiles to Buffer account. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/authentication-settings/
* Fix: Licensing: Quicker method to check license key for performance
4.6.3 (2021-07-08)
* Added: Status: Author Conditions: Comparison options for Author and Role. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–conditions–authors
4.6.2 (2021-07-01)
* Fix: Status: Pinterest: Create board notice would wrongly display if editing statuses for Pinterest and then navigating to a different social media profile
4.6.1 (2021-06-24)
* Fix: Don’t minify Plugin Javascript if a third party minification Plugin is active, which would prevent status settings from sometimes saving
4.6.0 (2021-06-17)
* Fix: Status: PowerPress: Prevent PowerPress from appending podcast URL to Content and Excerpt tags.
4.5.9 (2021-06-03)
* Added: Status: Author Conditions. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–conditions–authors
* Added: Status: Tags: Character Limit, Sentence Limit, Word Limit, Date and URL Encoding transformations. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#applying-transformations
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: The Events Calendar: Venue Name Tag. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#the-events-calendar
* Fix: Status: Post Meta Conditions: Improved detetction of changes/deletions to honor on save
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Choose Posts: Show correct settings screen when clicking link to define Bulk Publish statuses.
4.5.8 (2021-05-27)
* Added: Status: Tags: Apply Transformations (uppercase, lowercase, slug etc). See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#applying-transformations
4.5.7 (2021-04-29)
* Added: Status: Text: Autocomplete suggestions for Tags. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#autocomplete-suggestions
* Added: Status: Conditions: IN and NOT IN conditions for conditionally sending statuses. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–conditions–post
* Fix: Status: Text: Improved autocomplete suggestions UI
4.5.6 (2021-04-22)
* Added: Status: Text: Facebook: Support for Facebook Page Mentions. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#facebook-page-mentions
* Added: Status: Text: Twitter: Autocomplete suggestions for Twitter Profile Mentions. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-text-tags/#twitter-profile-mentions
4.5.5 (2021-04-15)
* Added: Settings: Post Type: Show prompt if changes made but unsaved when navigating away from the status settings
* Fix: Log: Warning: `Edit the Post` link correctly loads the Edit Post screen
* Fix: Log: Bulk Publish: Output `Bulk Publish` instead of `Bulk_publish` in Logs
* Fix: Log: Bulk Publish: Warnings and Errors were incorrectly logged as a Repost Action
4.5.4 (2021-04-09)
* Fix: Pinterest: Show board dropdown selector when a Pinterest board name contains an apostrophe
4.5.3 (2021-04-01)
* Added: Settings: Post Type: Immediately show/hide green tick on Post Type tab after clicking Save, to confirm whether the Post Type is configured to send status(es) to Buffer
* Fix: Settings: Post Type: Profile: Text order and links were incorrect when displaying a Timezone warning
4.5.2 (2021-03-25)
* Fix: Status: Image: No Image: Honor setting when a Post doesn’t have a Featured Image, but an SEO Plugin might define a default OpenGraph image
4.5.1 (2021-03-18)
* Fix: New Installations: Define valid schedule for default status
4.5.0 (2021-03-11)
* Fix: Featured and Additional Images: Removed duplicate description
4.4.9 (2021-02-26)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: The Events Calendar: Organizer Name, Phone Number, Email Address and Website URL Tags. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags–the-events-calendar
4.4.8 (2021-02-18)
* Fix: Status: Retain paragraphs when using {content} tag
4.4.7 (2021-02-08)
* Added: Log: Enable wp-content/debug.log only when WP_DEBUG=true, WP_DEBUG_LOG=true, WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY=false and Plugin Logging enabled. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/repost-settings/#testing
* Fix: Settings: Log Settings: Corrected link to Logs screen, and don’t link “Plugin Logs” text when logging not enabled
4.4.6 (2021-01-22)
* Fix: Events Manager: Better method for fetching Event’s Location, so tags are correctly populated
4.4.5 (2021-01-21)
* Fix: Whitelabelling: Don’t display Review Request notification if whitelabelling is available after a license is upgraded to an Agency license
4.4.4 (2021-01-14)
* Added: Localization support, with .pot file and translators comments
* Fix: Status: Ensure all status changes are saved when the Save button is clicked
* Fix: Posts: Status: Ensure all status changes are saved when either the Save button is clicked or the Post is saved, published or updated.
* Fix: Status: Removed Update and Cancel Buttons on individual statuses, as they’re no longer needed
4.4.3 (2021-01-08)
* Added: Whitelabelling for Agency Licenses. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/installation-licensing-updates/whitelabelling-access-and-domain-control/
* Fix: Log: Don’t show Logs in Plugin Submenu if Logging is disabled
4.4.2 (2020-12-31)
* Added: Status: If a Featured Image is required, attempt to fetch it from the Post Content when a Featured Image or Additional Image has not been specified
* Added: Status: Pinterest: Show warning if Pinterest account has no Boards, with link to instructions to add a Board. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–choose-a-pinterest-board
* Added: Log: More relevant error message when a Post is sent to Instagram or Pinterest and is missing a Featured Image
* Fix: Status: Editing a status after clicking Save wouldn’t work
* Fix: Status: Insert Tags: Events Manager: Honor timezone for Event Dates and Times output
4.4.1 (2020-12-18)
* Added: Posts: Log: Refresh Log button.
* Added: Posts: Status: Option to Save Per-Post Settings without Publishing/Updating/Saving the entire Post. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/per-post-settings/
* Fix: Posts: Retain Per-Post Manual Settings when a Post is Updated and no changes were made to the Per-Post Settings
* Fix: Status: Conditions: Taxonomies: Don’t evaluate if Taxonomy Conditions enabled but no Terms are specified
4.4.0 (2020-12-17)
* Added: Status: New UI to improve performance and decrease loading times. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/
* Added: Log: When Test Mode is enabled, and a status has Custom Time based scheduling, show the time it would be sent to social media
* Fix: Status: Save: Send statuses in single field to avoid settings not saving or exceeding PHP’s max_input_vars
* Fix: Status: Save: Don’t send form fields that aren’t needed to avoid settings not saving or exceeding PHP’s max_input_vars
* Fix: Status: Renamed fields on Per-Post Settings to avoid conflicts with WordPress Post fields and third party Plugins
* Fix: Posts: Publish/Update/Save: Send statuses in single field to avoid settings not saving or exceeding PHP’s max_input_vars
* Fix: Posts: Publish/Update/Save: Don’t send form fields that aren’t needed to avoid settings not saving or exceeding PHP’s max_input_vars
* Fix: Posts: Renamed fields on Per-Post Settings to avoid conflicts with WordPress Post fields and third party Plugins
4.3.9 (2020-11-27)
* Fix: WooCommerce: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_price() on boolean
4.3.8 (2020-11-26)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Events Manager: Address, Town, State, Postcode, Region, Country and URL Tags. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags–events-manager
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: The Events Calendar: Address, City, Province, Postal Code and Country Tags. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags–the-events-calendar
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Rank Math SEO. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags–rank-math-seo
* Fix: Status: Insert Tags: All in One SEO Pack Title and Description not returning values
4.3.7 (2020-11-05)
* Fix: Status: Text to Image: Text color would be ignored when some background images were defined
* Fix: Status: Yoast SEO: Compatibility when using Yoast SEO 15.2+ and WPML Yoast SEO Addon
4.3.6 (2020-10-29)
* Added: Display error notice if PHP cURL extension is not installed
* Added: Settings: Force Trailing Forwardslash: Updated description to clarify why this setting might need to be enabled i.e. for correct status image
* Added: Menus and Submenus: Filter to define minimum required capability for accessing Plugin Menus and Submenus. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wp-buffer-pro/developers/#wp_to_buffer_pro_admin_admin_menu_minimum_capability
* Fix: Settings: Force Trailing Forwardslash: Truly force a forwardslash if Permalink settings don’t add one.
4.3.5 (2020-10-22)
* Added: Status: Image: No Image option. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/#no-image
4.3.4 (2020-10-15)
* Added: Status: Text: Spintax support. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–spintax
4.3.3 (2020-10-09)
* Added: Use WP Cron: When enabled, status(es) are now built and sent to Buffer when the scheduled task is run, not when the WordPress Post is published/updated. This improves compatibility with frontend submission and feed based Plugins which publish Posts. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/using-frontend-post-submission-and-autoblogging-plugins/
* Fix: Status: Don’t show override settings for a profile if Override Defaults isn’t enabled/checked
4.3.2 (2020-09-17)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Content, Up to More Tag. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags–up-to-more-tag
4.3.1 (2020-09-10)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Post Content and Excerpt, Sentence Limited. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags–sentence-limits
4.3.0 (2020-09-03)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: SEOPress Title and Description. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags–seopress
* Added: Logs: Screen Options: Choose table columns to display. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/#define-table-columns-to-display
* Added: Logs: Screen Options: Choose number of logs per page to display. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/#define-number-of-logs-per-page
* Fix: Status: Enabling/Disabling Publish, Update, Repost or Bulk Publish wouldn’t update green tick in tab UI in WordPress 5.5+
* Fix: Status: Don’t display “Post sucessfully added” admin notification if Test Mode is enabled
* Fix: Logs: Lighter success/error row background colors to make text easier to read
* Fix: Logs: When filtering by date, include results matching the date, not just results between the dates
4.2.9 (2020-08-20)
* Fix: Licensing: Support Meta Box styling incorrect in WordPress 5.5+
* Fix: Fatal error when detecting current admin screen on some Page Builders
* Fix: Some notifications weren’t dismissible
4.2.8 (2020-08-13)
* Fix: Per-Post Status Settings: Improved meta box styling for WordPress 5.5
* Fix: Repost: Ensure enabled days and times are based on WordPress configured timezone, not UTC / server timezone
* Fix: Logs: Clear Log: Contextualized confirmation message based on whether the Log is being cleared at Post or Plugin level
4.2.7 (2020-08-06)
* Added: Status: Short URL option. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags
4.2.6 (2020-07-09)
* Added: Settings: Logs: Added Pending Log Level, for status(es) due to be sent when Use WP Cron enabled in Plugin’s Settings. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/#log-level
* Fix: Publish: Correctly add pending entry to Log when Use WP Cron enabled in Plugin’s Settings
* Fix: Authorization: Don’t enable Profiles that have a default flag, as the default option in Buffer’s Publish UI no longer exists
4.2.5 (2020-06-25)
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Use Custom Field Value as Date instead of today’s date when Custom Time (based on Custom Field / Post Meta Value) is selected on a status
* Fix: Bulk Publish: The Events Calendar and Events Manager Plugins: Use Event’s Start or End Date instead of today’s date when The Events Calendar: Relative to Event Start (or End) Date is selected on a status
4.2.4 (2020-06-18)
* Added: Settings: General Settings: Enable Test Mode. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/general-settings/#enable-test-mode
* Added: Logs: Confirmation when clicking Clear Log button
* Added: Import: Support for Zipped JSON file
* Added: Export: Export as JSON, Zipped
* Added: Settings: Logs: Option to choose specific Log Levels. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/#log-level
* Fix: Logs: Set Clear Log button to red
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Only display selected Posts in Bulk Publish process when selected from the Posts or Pages Bulk Actions
4.2.3 (2020-06-11)
* Fix: Status: Pinterest and Instagram: Ensure Featured or Additional Image is used if ‘No Image’ selected on Status, as an image is always required for Pinterest and Instagram
4.2.2 (2020-06-04)
* Added: Settings: General Settings: Disable Fallback to Content if Excerpt Empty. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/general-settings/#disable-fallback-to-content-if-excerpt-empty-
* Fix: Import & Export: Include Custom Tags, Disable Excerpt Fallback, Hide Meta Box by Roles, Log, Override, Proxy and Text to Image Settings
4.2.1 (2020-05-28)
* Added: Settings: General Settings: Use Proxy option. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/general-settings/#use-proxy-
* Fix: Status: Text to Image: Honor Text Font setting when not using Custom Font
* Fix: Status: Yoast SEO: Only register Title and Description replacements if using Yoast 14.x or higher
* Removed: Repost: Show error message if Repost Settings are defined and DISABLE_WP_CRON prevents WordPress CRON tasks (including Reposting) from running
4.2.0 (2020-05-21)
* Added: Status: Text to Image. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/text-to-image-settings/
* Added: Settings: Log Settings: Log Level option. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/#log-level
* Fix: Log: Honor Enabled Setting, ensuring logging does not take place if not enabled
* Fix: Pinterest: Force Override so Board is included in each status request, ensuring it schedules
4.1.9 (2020-05-07)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Added option to output Taxonomy Terms as Hashtags, retaining case. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags
* Fix: Status: Improved error message when Instagram or Pinterest posting fails due to no image detected when running on a non-public domain
* Fix: Status: Taxonomy Tags: Remove non-alphanumeric characters to avoid breaking tag links
* Fix: Status: Yoast SEO Title and Description not correctly replaced when using Yoast 14.x or higher
4.1.8 (2020-04-30)
* Added: Repost: Show error message if Repost Settings are defined and DISABLE_WP_CRON prevents WordPress CRON tasks (including Reposting) from running
* Added: Repost: Test Repost Cron option and improved logging to wp-content/debug.log when enabled. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/repost-settings/#debugging
* Fix: Status: Don’t attempt to restrict Profiles or assign Author data to a status if the Post’s Author no longer exists as a WordPress User
* Fix: Status: Enabling/Disabling Bulk Publish on Defaults or Social Media Profile wouldn’t update green tick in tab UI
* Fix: CSS: Renamed option class to wpzinc-option to avoid CSS conflicts with third party Plugins
* Fix: Log: Set Test Mode entries Result
Test, ensuring filtering by Result
Test works
4.1.7 (2020-04-23)
* Fix: Log: Unknown column ‘status’ in ‘where clause’ for query when clearing pending status log entries
* Fix: Elementor: Removed unused tooltip classes to prevent Menu and Element Icons from not displaying
4.1.6 (2020-04-16)
* Added: Licensing: Verbose error message when unable to connect to Licensing API
* Fix: Licensing: Don’t repetitively check the validity of a license that’s invalid or exceeds the number of sites permitted, unless we’re on the Licensing screen
* Fix: Dashboard > Updates: Show link to Changelog on View version details link
4.1.5 (2020-04-09)
* Fix: Status: Manual Override: Don’t save Post-specific settings for non-public Post Types
* Fix: Status: Don’t send status(es) to Buffer for non-public Post Types containing Post-level Status Settings copied from a public Post
* Fix: Status: More verbose error message when a status is too long for the target social network
4.1.4 (2020-03-26)
* Added: WP-CLI: Bulk Publish: Support for search parameters displayed at WP to Buffer Pro > Bulk Publish. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/wp-cli/#bulk-publish
* Fix: Activation: Prevent DB character set / collation errors on table creation by using WordPress’ native get_charset_collate()
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Show error messages when Posts could not be found based on the given criteria
* Fix: Repost: Remove duplicate Reposting by not attempting to retry for a given Post that successfully schedules with one profile but fails with others
4.1.3 (2020-03-19)
* Fix: Status: Better method to remove double/triple spaces in text whilst retaining newlines/breaklines and unicode/accented characters
4.1.2 (2020-03-12)
* Added: Schedule statuses relative to Events Manager Plugin’s Event’s start or end date/time. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–scheduling
* Added: Insert Tags for Events Manager Plugin’s Event data. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–tags–events-manager
4.1.1 (2020-02-27)
* Added: Repost: Option to define days and hours to run Repost action. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/repost-settings/
* Fix: Status: Better method to remove double/triple spaces in text whilst retaining newlines/breaklines
4.1.0 (2020-02-20)
* Fix: Status: Conditions: Return Usernames based on search, not all / no results
4.0.9 (2020-02-20)
* Fix: Status: Better method to remove double/triple spaces in text, to avoid some installations where single spaces would be removed in a status
* Fix: Settings: Removed disabled CSS class on tabs, as not used and avoids potential conflicts with third party Plugins
* Fix: Repost: Return eligible Posts for reposting when Minimum and Maximum Post Age are both set to zero
* Fix: WP-CLI: Bulk Publish: Remove deprecated call to WP_To_Social_Pro_Log::build_log_output_array()
4.0.8 (2020-02-13)
* Added: Status: Conditions: Conditionally send status based on Post Title, Excerpt and/or Content. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–conditions–post
* Added: Forms: Accessibility: Replaced Titles with
4.0.7 (2020-02-06)
* Added: Status: Conditions: Custom Fields: NOT EXISTS Comparison Operator. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–conditions–custom-fields
* Added: Status: Conditions: Updated UI, adding all Conditions to a single table
* Fix: Repost: Allow zero for Minimum and Maximum Post Age, as stated in the setting description
4.0.6 (2020-01-16)
* Added: General Settings: Option to force trailing forwardslash on {url}. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/general-settings/#force-trailing-forwardslash
* Fix: Strip query parameters (added by e.g. Jetpack) from images before sending status to prevent errors
* Fix: Post: Featured and Additional Images: CSS issue prevented adding Featured/Additional Images
4.0.5 (2019-12-19)
* Added: Status: Scheduling: Custom Time (Relative Format): Today/Tomorrow options. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–scheduling
* Fix: Repost: Ensure Custom Time offset is based on when the Repost event is run, not the Post’s last modified date
* Fix: WP-CLI: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WP_To_Social_Pro_Log::build_log_output_array()
4.0.4 (2019-12-13)
* Fix: Settings: Display confirmation notice that settings have saved
4.0.3 (2019-12-05)
* Fix: Call to undefined method WP_To_Social_Pro_Log::clear_pending_log()
4.0.2 (2019-11-21)
* Fix: Licensing: Obscure License Key if valid
4.0.1 (2019-11-14)
* Added: Licensing: Clear WordPress options cache when updating or deleting license validity information, to prevent aggressive third party caching solutions from storing stale data.
4.0.0 (2019-11-07)
* Added: Log: If DB_CHARSET empty or not defined in wp-config.php, use utf8mb4 for Log table.
3.9.9 (2019-10-31)
* Fix: Authentication: Handle Buffer revoking older, insecure Access Tokens by prompting for re-authentication instead of timing out
3.9.8 (2019-10-24)
* Added: Status: Scheduling: Custom Time (Relative Format) option. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status-text–scheduling
* Added: Settings: Log Settings: Log settings moved to new tab in UI. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/
* Added: Settings: Log Settings: Option to display / hide Log on individual Posts. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/
* Added: Settings: Log Settings: Number of days to preserve Logs before automatic deletion. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/
* Added: Log: Option to filter Logs by Request Sent Date. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/log-settings/#filtering-logs
* Added: Log: Provide solutions to common issues
* Added: Instagram and Pinterest: Attempt to use image in Post’s Content when no Featured Image or Additional Images specified (as both networks require an image for a status)
* Fix: Status: Conditions: Custom Fields: Add Meta / Custom Field Condition button was not working
* Fix: Per-Post Settings: Ensure JS loaded for Meta Boxes to function correctly on Custom Post Types
* Fix: Don’t attempt to run upgrade routines between Plugin versions more than once
3.9.7 (2019-10-18)
* Fix: Activation: WP to Buffer Pro: Error: Could not load Plugin class log
3.9.6 (2019-10-17)
* Added: Log: New Log screen with filters and searching to view Status Logs across all Posts for all actions (Publish, Update, Repost, Bulk Publish). See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/logs/
* Added: Log: Improved messages explaining why a Post is not sent to Buffer
* Added: Log: Use separate database table for storing Plugin Status Logs instead of Post Meta, for performance
* Fix: Conditionally load JS, for performance
* Fix: Licensing: Don’t show license expired notice on Plugins screen, for performance
3.9.5 (2019-10-03)
* Added: Status: Conditions: Send if Post matches specified Author(s). See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#status–conditions–authors
* Added: Licensing: Show licensing server response on HTTP or server error
* Fix: Licensing: Updated endpoint URL
* Fix: Licensing: Use options cache instead of transients to reduce license key and update failures
3.9.4 (2019-08-31)
* Fix: Status: Tags: Ensure Syntax for Word and Character Limited Content and Excerpt Tags is correct
3.9.3 (2019-08-29)
* Added: Status: Tags: Content and Excerpt Tag options with Word or Character Limits
* Fix: Status: Removed loading of unused tags.js dependency for performance
3.9.2 (2019-08-15)
* Fix: Status: Buffer API Error: HTTP Code 400. #1011 – You do not have permission to post to any of the profile_id’s provided, which would occur when a profile has been disconnected from Buffer
3.9.1 (2019-07-25)
* Added: Publish: More verbose error message when duplicate statuses are detected, detailing the Post Type, Profile and Action containing duplicate statuses.
* Added: Gutenberg: Better detection to check if Gutenberg is enabled
* Added: Gutenberg: Better detection to check if Post Content contains Gutenberg Block Markup
* Fix: Status: Custom Time (based on Custom Field / Post Meta Value): Ensure “Before Custom Field Value” subtracts days, hours and minutes
* Fix: Status: Custom Time (based on Custom Field / Post Meta Value): Convert timestamp to date/time if custom field value is a timestamp
* Fix: Status: {content} would return blank on WordPress 5.1.x or older
3.9.0 (2019-07-18)
* Added: Support for Status and Featured Image Meta Boxes to display on Envira Galleries when Envira Standalone Addon is also active
* Fix: Bulk Publishing: Search / Filter by Taxonomy was not working
* Fix: Status: Manual Override: Taxonomy Conditions were not populating when creating/editing a Post, Page or Custom Post Type
3.8.9 (2019-06-20)
* Added: Status: Option to limit the number of words or characters output on a Template Tag. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/
* Added: Status: Textarea will automatically expand based on the length of the status text. Fixes issues for some iOS devices where textarea scrolling would not work
* Fix: Status: {content} and {excerpt} tags always return the full content / excerpt, which can then be limited using the above word / character limits
* Fix: Publish: Add checks to prevent duplicate statuses being sent when a Page Builder (Elementor) fires wp_update_post multiple times when publishing
3.8.8 (2019-06-06)
* Fix: Status: Strip additional unwanted newlines produced by Gutenberg when using {content}
* Fix: Status: Convert
in Post Content to newlines when using {content}
* Fix: Status: Trim Post Content when using {content}
3.8.7 (2019-05-30)
* Fix: Notice: Undefined variable: conditions_met
* Fix: Log: Don’t wrongly log that status(es) exist but conditions not met when an action has no statuses in the first place
3.8.6 (2019-05-25)
* Fix: Repost: Ensure limit is honored
3.8.5 (2019-05-23)
* Added: Status: Criteria: Dates: Option to require Post’s published date be within defined start and end dates for a status to be sent
3.8.4 (2019-05-16)
* Added: Settings: Display notice if the Buffer account does not have any social media profiles attached to it
* Fix: Publish: Display errors and log if authentication fails, or profiles cannot be fetched
3.8.3 (2019-05-09)
* Added: Settings: Repost Settings: Display Icons on each Post Type Tab
* Fix: Settings: Status: Display warning if a timezone in WordPress or Buffer is not a valid timezone, instead of throwing a fatal error
3.8.2 (2019-05-02)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: WooCommerce: Regular Price, Sale Price, Sale Date From and To Tags. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings
* Added: Repost: Repost settings have now moved to Settings > Repost Settings, with options to specify settings for each Post Type. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/repost-settings/
* Added: Settings: Repost Settings: Maximum Posts per day Setting
* Added: Settings: Repost Settings: Per-Post Frequency
* Added: Settings: Repost Settings: Published Date / Post Age Criteria
3.8.1 (2019-04-04)
* Added: Status: Secondary level tabbed UI for Profile actions (Publish, Update, Repost, Bulk Publish)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: All in One SEO Pack Title and Description
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Yoast SEO Title and Description
* Added: Settings: Post Type: Profile: Display warning with instructions when the WordPress Timezone and Buffer Profile Timezone do not match
* Added: Settings: Warning if the max_input_vars PHP setting might be too low for the Plugin’s settings to successfully be saved
* Added: Bulk Publish: Moved Bulk Publish status options into Post Type Tabs, to allow selection of Post Type specific Taxonomies etc. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/#post-action–bulk-publish
* Added: WP-CLI: Bulk Publish Action. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/wp-cli/
* Fix: Status: Prevent UI temporarily freezing when switching Profile and Action Tabs
* Fix: Status: Conditions: Taxonomies: Don’t clear Term values when adding or removing statuses, or switching Profiles
* Fix: Status: Documentation Tab Link
3.8.0 (2019-03-28)
* Fix: Bulk Publish / Repost: Clear Plugin Cache before replacing template tags with Post Data, to prevent statuses containing wrong Post data.
3.7.9 (2019-03-14)
* Added: New Installations: Automatically enable Publish and Update Statuses on Posts
* Added: Plugin Activation: Enable Logging by default
* Added: Authorize with Buffer: Once authorized, automatically enable scheduling to social media profiles marked as “share by default” on Buffer
* Added: Bulk Publish: More verbose logging, similar to “Enable Logging” functionality
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Undefined index errors
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Don’t require Published Date parameters when querying for Posts to select for Bulk Publishing
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Return results when no start and end date is provided
* Fix: Bulk Publishing: Ensure Custom Time offset is based on now, not the Post’s published date
* Fix: Log: Output dates according to WordPress’ installation date locale formatting
* Fix: Log: Split data into more table columns for easier reading
3.7.8 (2019-03-07)
* Added: Status: Option to limit the number of characters output on a Template Tag. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/
* Added: Featured Image and Additional Images: Option to attach additional images to a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram status. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/
* Fix: Status: Don’t attempt publishing to any existing linked Google+ Accounts, as Google+ no longer exists.
* Fix: Publish: Improved performance when sending several statuses for a single Post.
* Fix: Publish: Display errors on Post Edit screen if status(es) failed to send to Buffer.
* Fix: Post: Settings: Don’t save Post level settings in Post Meta table if Override isn’t enabled, to improve performance
3.7.7 (2019-02-28)
* Fix: Status: Conditions: Custom Fields: When specifying multiple statuses for a single action, conditions would wrongly be attached to all statuses
* Fix: Menu Icon size preserved when Gravity Forms no conflict mode is set to on
* Fix: Display White Menu Icon unless the User is using WordPress’ Light Admin Color Scheme, in which case display the Dark Menu Icon
3.7.6 (2019-02-14)
* Added: Profiles: Fetch Twitter Usernames from Twitter API instead of Buffer API (which no longer provides this information), as required by Buffer and Twitter’s Development Policies effective Feb. 19th 2019.
* Fix: Publish: Removed global $post reference, which caused some installations to fetch the wrong Post to send to Buffer
3.7.5 (2019-01-31)
* Added: Developers: Docblock comments on all Plugin specific filters and actions. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/developers/
* Fix: Settings: Use WP Cron previously failed
* Fix: Settings: Custom Tags: Prevent duplicate Custom Tags for a Post Type that have the same keys
* Fix: Licensing and Updates: Improved mechanism for WP-CLI support
* Fix: Minified all CSS and JS for performance
3.7.4 (2019-01-24)
* Fix: Multisite: Network Activation: Ensure activation routines automatically run on all existing sites
* Fix: Multisite: Network Activation: Ensure activation routines automatically run created on new sites created after Network Activation of Plugin
* Fix: Multisite: Site Activation: Ensure activation routines automatically run
* Fix: Per Post Status: Undefined variable warning
3.7.3 (2019-01-17)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Added WooCommerce Product Tags. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/
* Fix: PHP warning on count() when trying to fetch an excerpt for a Post
3.7.2 (2019-01-10)
* Added: Status: Repost functionality. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/repost-settings/
* Added: Settings: Repost Settings. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/repost-settings/
* Added: Settings: User Access: Enable Specific Post Types by Role. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/user-access/
* Added: Settings: Header UI enhancements
* Fix: Settings: Only load settings for the displayed screen, for better performance
* Fix: Settings: Save settings more efficiently, for better performance
3.7.1 (2019-01-03)
* Added: Status: Insert Tags: Added option to output Taxonomy Terms as Hashtags or Names. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/
* Fix: Settings: Changed Authentication Tab Icon
* Fix: Settings and Status Settings: UI Enhancements for mobile compatibility
* Fix: {title} would sometimes result in HTML encoded characters on Facebook
3.7.0 (2018-12-27)
* Fix: Status: Apply WordPress default filters to Post Title, Excerpt and Content. Ensures third party Plugins e.g. qtranslate can process content and remove shortcodes
3.6.9 (2018-12-20)
* Fix: Removed all select2 references, as select2 is no longer used
3.6.8 (2018-12-13)
* Added: Gutenberg: Support for Custom Field Tags when Custom Fields / Meta are registered as a meta box outside of the Gutenberg editor. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/using-custom-fields-statuses/
* Added: REST API: Support for Custom Field Tags when Posts are created or updated via the REST API with Custom Field / Meta data. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/using-custom-fields-statuses/
3.6.7 (2018-12-06)
* Fix: Settings: Bulk Publish: Warnings on undefined labels attribute
* Fix: Settings: Bulk Publish: Ensure that all Taxonomies are available for selection in the Insert Tags dropdown
* Fix: Settings: Bulk Publish: Don’t display Conditional Options, as they’re defined on the Bulk Publish screen itself
* Fix: Settings: Insert Tags: Ensure that excluded Taxonomies are not displayed in the dropdown
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Use selectize instead of select2 for Taxonomy Condition dropdowns
3.6.6 (2018-11-22)
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Active UI Tab State
3.6.5 (2018-11-15)
* Added: Gutenberg Support
* Added: Settings and Status Settings: UI Enhancements to allow for a larger number of connected social media profiles
* Added: Status: Tag: Post ID option
* Fix: Removed unused datepicker dependency
* Fix: CRON Scheduled Posts: Don’t rely on wp_get_current_user() for User Access settings, as it’s not always available
3.6.4 (2018-10-03)
* Added: Status: Support for Shortcode processing on Status Text
3.6.3 (2018-09-13)
* Added: Settings: Add / Edit / Delete Custom Field / Post Meta Tags to ‘Insert Tags’ dropdown for each Post Type
3.6.2 (2018-09-06)
* Fix: Post and Publishing: Remove Profiles based on the logged in user, not the Post Author
* Fix: Per Post Status: Support UTC offsets defined in Settings > General, as well as timezone locations
* Fix: Publish: Ensure Post has fully saved (including all Custom Fields / ACF / Yoast data etc) before sending status(es) to Buffer
3.6.1 (2018-08-23)
* Fix: Log: Report ‘Plugin: Request Sent’ and ‘Created At’ datetime using WordPress configured date time zone.
* Fix: Per Post Status: Adjust datetime based on WordPress locale, to ensure the social network schedules the status at the requested datetime.
* Fix: Status: Display Image options as full width dropdown on mobile devices
3.6.0 (2018-08-16)
* Added: Per Post Status: Option to specify specific date and time to schedule individual statuses for.
* Added: Status: Option to specify number of Terms to output when using {taxonomy_} tags in statuses. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/status-settings/
3.5.9 (2018-08-09)
* Added: Status: Use Post Type’s Featured Image Label for the Image Dropdown option on Statuses (i.e. display Product Image when setting statuses for WooCommerce, for clarity)
* Fix: Profiles: Serve social media profile images over SSL to avoid mixed content warning messages
3.5.8 (2018-07-26)
* Fix: Settings: Changed WordPress standard .nav-tab-active class to .wpzinc-nav-tab-active, to prevent third party plugins greedily trying to control our UI.
3.5.7 (2018-07-12)
* Fix: Publish: Removed duplicate do_action() call on save_post to prevent some third party plugins running routines twice
3.5.6 (2018-06-28)
* Fix: Improved licensing mechanism
3.5.5 (2018-06-08)
* Added: Settings: Option to Disable URL Shortening
3.5.4 (2018-05-10)
* Fix: Licensing: Improved performance
* Fix: Activation: Deactivate free version of the plugin if it’s still active
3.5.3 (2018-05-03)
* Fix: Status: Improved duplicate status detection to prevent false positives when statuses with the same text have conditions set, which would prevent duplicate statuses being sent to Buffer.
* Fix: Call to member function get_error_message() on null when attempting to fetch Buffer User Profile.
* Fix: Publish: Only consider publishing statuses to Buffer on supported Post Types (resolves issues with Advanced Custom Fields Free Version saving Fields).
3.5.2 (2018-04-26)
* Added: Status Conditions: Custom Fields: Optionally define custom field(s) that are required for a status to be sent to Buffer.
3.5.1 (2018-04-19)
* Added: Insert Tags for The Event Calendar’s Event data
3.5.0 (2018-04-12)
* Added: Schedule statuses relative to The Event Calendar Event’s start or end date/time
* Fix: Import: Import all settings
* Fix: Export: Export all settings
* Fix: Custom Time (based on Custom Field / Post Meta Value) wasn’t using the specified Post Meta Value
3.4.9 (2018-04-02)
* Fix: Cron: Fully initialize Plugin to ensure all required classes are available for publishing via WP-Cron
* Fix: Cron: Ensure all function arguments are passed to the plugin to avoid PHP warnings
3.4.8 (2018-03-31)
* Added: Support for PHP <= 5.5
3.4.7 (2018-03-29)
* Added: Changed select2 to selectize to improve performance
* Fix: Code refactor to improve performance
* Fix: Removed jQuery Tooltipster, as it’s not used
* Fix: Moved Log Meta Box into own view file
* Fix: Log: Clear Log functionality
* Fix: Log: Sanitize Post ID for exporting and clearing Post logs
* Fix: Log: Store Profile Name in Log, so an undefined offset error isn’t thrown when showing a Log for a Profile that was previously enabled, but is now disabled
* Fix: Schedule: Display fields based on Schedule Option
* Fix: Conditions: Don’t show conditions where no Taxonomies for a Post Type exist
* Fix: Bulk Actions: Base Custom Time from current date/time, as Post Publish Date + Custom Time would result in statuses being scheduled in the past
3.4.6 (2018-01-29)
* Fix: Menu Icon size preserved when Gravity Forms no conflict mode is set to on
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Don’t query by Taxonomy Terms when no Taxonomy Terms specified
3.4.5 (2018-01-11)
* Added: Bulk Publish: Taxonomy: Search for Taxonomy Terms when selecting Posts
* Added: Settings: User Access: Option to specify Profiles for Administrator (recommended for Buffer accounts with 10+ profiles for performance, see Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/user-access/
* Fix: Taxonomies: Don’t fetch Taxonomy Terms on load, as they’re not needed
3.4.4 (2018-01-05)
* Added: WP to Buffer Pro: Featured Image: Clarified which settings and networks support this feature, with link to Facebook Domain Verification (required for Facebook)
* Fix: Publish: Reverted attachment parameter when using OpenGraph for a status’ image
* Fix: Publish: Validate image settings applicable to the social network, and change if not
* Fix: Use ‘thumbnail’ WordPress image size for Buffer thumbnail, instead of ‘small’
3.4.3 (2018-01-02)
* Added: Filter for defining max timeout on Buffer API requests (default: 10 seconds)
* Added: Re-authorize option when Plugin’s access is revoked by a user via their buffer.com account
* Fix: Some cURL timeouts, despite statuses going through to Buffer
* Fix: Clarified Featured Image options (see Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/)
3.4.2 (2017-12-14)
* Added: Ensure that {content} and {excerpt} tags don’t exceed character limits at https://faq.buffer.com/article/491-what-is-the-character-limit-for-each-social-network-when-posting-from-buffer
* Fix: Don’t trim statuses using wp_trim_words(), ensuring the full content is eligible for sharing on social networks
3.4.1 (2017-11-15)
* Fix: JS errors
3.4.0 (2017-11-15)
* Added: Settings: Notice if Plugin is not authorized with Buffer
* Added: Settings: UI indicator for each Post Type denoting if enabled
* Added: Install: Enable on Post Publish by default for new installations
* Fix: Settings: DatePicker UI conflict with Advanced Custom Fields
* Fix: Bulk Publish: UI on error screen
3.3.9 (2017-09-28)
* Fix: Bulk Publish: Failed when using direct method
3.3.8 (2017-09-25)
* Added: Improved UI
* Added: Bulk Publish: Search Posts by Author, Meta
* Added: Bulk Publish: Order Searched Posts, to determine the order they are added to Buffer
* Added: Posts, Pages and CPT Bulk Actions: “Send to Buffer” option
* Fix: Define CURLOPT_RESOLVE on fallback PHP cURL requests, when wp_remote_get() / wp_remote_post() fails, to prevent DNS name lookup errors.
* Fix: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor in admin-min.js for clipboard.js functionality
3.3.7 (2017-07-29)
* Fix: Set priority of 1 on wp_loaded for register_publish_hooks, to ensure Publish Hooks are fired on imports and some third party Plugins
3.3.6 (2017-07-10)
* Fix: Post: Undefined variable: schedule_custom_relation
3.3.5 (2017-06-19)
* Fix: Settings: Post Level Default not saving when “Do NOT Post to Buffer” selected
3.3.4 (2017-06-02)
* Fix: Conditional Fields: Cast input values as strings to ensure that split() works
3.3.3 (2017-06-01)
* Added: Simplified authentication process with Buffer. No need to enter Access Tokens or Register Apps any more!
* Added: Schedule status update to Buffer based on Custom Field / Post Meta Date and Time Value, instead of Post Published / Update Date and Time value.
* Fix: Ensure correct metadata on Post Update is used by status updates, by running save_post_posttype and save_post actions.
* Fix: Custom Fields with uppercase letters (e.g. {custom_field__EventStartDate}) now output their value in status updates.
3.3.2 (2017-04-05)
* Fix: Option ‘ajax’ is not allowed for Select2 (caused by Themes and Plugins loading the old, outdated Select2 v3 library).
3.3.1 (2017-03-29)
* Fix: Settings: Performance issues on Settings and Page/Post screens when a WordPress installation has thousands of taxonomy terms
* Fix: Settings: Save: Detect whether any conditions and terms are submitted before trying to make them associative
3.3.0 (2017-03-17)
* Added: Featured Image option on Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types. See Docs: https://www.wpzinc.com/documentation/wordpress-to-buffer-pro/featured-image-settings/
* Added: Bulk Publishing: More detailed error messages if settings for Bulk Publishing have not been configured
* Added: Settings: Conditions are now on a per-status basis, for more control
* Fix: Publish / Update: Fallback PHP cURL requests when wp_remote_get() / wp_remote_post() fail and WP_DEBUG enabled. May resolve ‘undefined’ errors on buffer.com and occasional timeouts.
* Fix: Posts: Log: Include Buffer API error code in output for easier debugging
* Fix: Posts: WP to Buffer Pro Meta Box Title background color was missing
3.2.5 (2017-02-27)
* Added: General Settings: Post Level Default. Determines the default option to be selected in the WP to Buffer Pro metabox when adding/editing Pages, Posts and Custom Post Types.
* Fix: Only display Review Helper for Super Admin and Admin
3.2.4 (2017-02-20)
* Added: Review Helper to check if the user needs help
* Updated: Dashboard and Licensing Submodules
3.2.3 (2017-02-16)
* Fix: Removed “Shorten Twitter status to 140 characters” in 3.2.1; too many bugs. Users will need to revert back to ensuring their Twitter statuses are short to avoid Buffer API errors.
3.2.2 (2017-02-14)
* Added: User-Agent to wp_remote_get and wp_remote_post on Buffer API calls, to potentially resolve timeout connection issues for one edge case.
* Fix: Conditionally load sortable and datepicker listeners to avoid JS errors
3.2.1 (2017-02-13)
* Added: Tooltips to Profile Tabs, to show the profile service and name
* Added: Contextual Documentation links in Tabs
* Fix: Shorten Twitter status to 140 characters, excluding first URL, to prevent 400 errors from Buffer when a Twitter status message is too long.
* Fix: Removed unused image library code
3.2.0 (2017-01-30)
* Added: Improved UI for WordPress 4.6+
* Added: Support for bbPress Topics and Replies
* Fix: Custom Time: Removed 30 day limit from the ‘Day’ field
* Fix: Custom Time: Changed ‘Minute’ field upper limit to 59 from 30
* Fix: Reinstated Import & Export options
* Fix: {content} would sometimes result in HTML encoded characters on Facebook
* Fix: Changed branding from WP Cube to WP Zinc
* Fix: Updated licensing endpoint to reflect brand change
3.1.9 (2016-07-12)
* Added: Instagram Support
3.1.8 (2016-07-08)
* Fix: For scheduled Posts, use the Post’s post_date_gmt, not post_modified_gmt, to ensure custom timed status updates schedule correctly.
3.1.7 (2016-06-19)
* Fix: Bulk Publish error
3.1.6 (2016-06-16)
* Added: Character count when using “Post to Buffer using Manual Settings” option on Posts
* Fix: Compat with Broken Link Checker
3.1.5 (2016-06-09)
* Fix: Remove shortcodes and HTML tags from status updates when {content} is used
* Added: Singleton Instances for better performance
* Added: `wp_to_buffer_pro_publish_statuses` filter, to filter status messages just before they’re sent to Buffer.
* Fix: Checkbox layout on settings screens
* Fix: Licensing mechanism works correctly with W3 Total Cache and memcache
* Fix: Out of memory errors when a Post Type has a large number of Taxonomy Terms
* Fix: Undefined index: status error when Conditions enabled
* Fix: Disable Bulk Publish functionality if no Bulk Publish statuses have been setup
* Fix: Changed disconnect URL so it doesn’t conflict with other plugins which greedily try to act on it (Thrive…)
* Fix: Publishing to Pinterest would not always work due to the wrong settings being read.
* Added: Content tag
* Fix: Removed publish_future_ hooks, as these may cause double posting to Buffer when scheduling Posts
* Fix: If a taxonomy tag is used and no terms exist, don’t include the original tag in the status
* Fix: Display Buffer Profile on Log
* Fix: Bulk Publish Filtering by Taxonomy wasn’t always working
* Fix: Display a warning if two or more statuses for a given social media profile are exactly the same, advising the user that Buffer, Facebook and Twitter won’t publish due to their Terms of Service requiring unique status updates
* Fix: Remove unecessary break in includes/admin/log.php:261 for PHP7 compat
* Fix: Duplicate taxonomy terms would appear on statuses when two or more taxonomies used in a status
* Fix: Clicking Support correctly redirects to the support page
* Fix: Bulk Publish settings not displaying once saved via WP to Buffer Pro – Settings – Bulk Publish tab
* Fix: Invalid argument supplied for foreach in views/settings-post-action.php when viewing Bulk Publish settings
* Added: Restrict Social Media Profiles by Role
* Fix: Mobile optimization
* Fix: iPhone keyboard not displaying when editing statuses at Post/Page level
* Fix: Bulk Publish > Select All checkbox
* Fix: Optimised JS
* Added: Bulk Publish support
* Fix: Double quotes wrongly having backslashes prepended to them
* Added: New Posts, Pages + CPTs will pre-populate WordPress to Buffer options with global settings, instead of blank fields.
* Fix: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in views/settings-post-action-condition.php on line 13
* Fix: Always require Override to be enabled when defining settings for Pinterest, as a board must be defined through the Override settings.
* Fix: Post submitted successfully message no longer displays when there are no status(es) to send to Buffer.
* Fix: Status(es) not sent to Buffer when WP-CRON setting enabled.
* Fix: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() error on publish.php::169 when a Post Type has no settings.
* Fix: View Details on plugin updates now display changelog.
* Fix: Scheduled Posts not Buffering (removed is_admin() checks)
* Fix: empty() checks for PHP 5.4 and older compat
* Added: Revised UI
* Added: Unlimited statuses per Post Type, Social Profile and Action
* Added: Pinterest support
* Fix: Scheduled Posts now honour Manual Override Settings
* Fix: … HTML character code appearing on Facebook + Google+ status updates when no excerpt defined on a Post
* Added: Author Field support on status updates
* Added: Author Field Meta / Custom Field support on status updates
* Added: Custom Field support on status updates
* Added: Post Override option to NOT post to Buffer for a specified post, regardless of plugin settings
* Added: Import + Export Settings, allowing users to copy settings to other plugin installations
* Added: Support Panel
* Fix: Transients for license key validation
* Fix: Force license key check method to beat aggressive server caching
* Added: Support menu with debug information
* Dropped html_entity_decode and apply_filters on Post Title – causing too many issues.
* Added translation support and .pot file
* Fix: Issue with characters in the title being HTML encoded
* New: Settings available on a per-account, per-post type basis
* Fix: Prevent double posting when Posts with category filtering are enabled, and a Post is added via third party apps using the XML RPC API
* Fix: Pages can be posted to Buffer via XML RPC API
* Newline / multiline support for status updates
* Added possible fix for preventing duplicate Buffer statuses on publish
* Better license key transient check / refresh to prevent frontend functionality from not working
* Fix: Twitter Images attached to tweets
* Fix: Featured Images on Facebook
* Pro: Added Include Featured Image option
* Pro: Added Number of Times to Buffer option
* Pro: Added Post, Page + Custom Post Type Meta Box for overriding status updates
* Pro: Added `wp_to_buffer_pro` hook for publish action
* Pro Fix: LinkedIn titles + URLs no longer removed
* Pro: Improved success and error messages when posting to Buffer
* Pro Fix: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 482 fixed
* Pro Fix: Changed callback and notice URLs to point to correct settings screen
* Pro: Post Type Taxonomies can now be used as tags in status updates
* Pro: Better UI for adding tags to status updates
* Pro: Quick Update panel on Dashboard
* Pro: Publish immediately option
* Pro: Filter by Taxonomies and Taxonomy Terms
* Fix: Don’t show success message when Post/Page not posted to Buffer
* Fix: Removed Post to Buffer meta box, which wasn’t honouring settings / causing double postings
* Settings: changed to tabbed interface
* Fix: Dashboard: PHP fatal error
* Fix: Posts with an image no longer show the image link, but instead show the Page / Post URL
* Fix: Donation Form
* Fix: Some assets missing from SVN checkin on 2.1
* Fix: ‘Creating default object from empty value’ warning
* Fix: {excerpt} tag working on Pages and Custom Post Types that do not have an Excerpt field
* Fix: Capabilities for add_menu_page
* Fix: Check for page $_GET variable
* Fix: Removed console.log messages
* Fix: Added Google+ icon for Buffer accounts linked to Google+ Pages
* Fix: admin_enqueue_scripts used to prevent 3.6+ JS errors
* Fix: Force older versions of WP to Buffer to upgrade to 2.x branch.
* Fix: Check for Buffer accounts before outputting settings (avoids invalid argument errors).
* Enhancement: Validation of access token to prevent several errors.
* Enhancement: Add callback URL value (not required, but avoids user confusion).
* Enhancement: Check the access token pasted into the settings field is potentially valid (avoids questions asking why the plugin doesn’t work,
because the user hasn’t carefully checked the access token).
* Enhancement: Removed spaces from categories in hashtags (thanks, Douglas!)
* Fix: “Error creating default object from empty value” message.
* Enhancement: Added Featured Image when posting to Buffer, if available.
* Fix: Simplified authentication process using Access Token. Fixes many common oAuth issues.
* Fix: Publish hooks now based on settings instead of registered post types, to ensure they hook early enough to work on custom post types.
* Fix: Scheduled Posts now post to Buffer on scheduled publication.
* SSL verification fix for Buffer API authentication.
* First release.