
Keywords: Import CSV or Spreadsheet

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Page Generator Pro » Keywords: Import CSV or Spreadsheet


The Spreadsheet import functionality is available in Page Generator Pro 3.4.5, releasing Thursday 14th October 2021 23:59 UTC. Versions prior to this contain the Import CSV functionality only.

If you already have a CSV or spreadsheet file, comprising of either two or more Keywords, or a single Keyword with sub keywords (known as Column Names in Page Generator Pro), the Plugin provides an Import CSV function, which will mass import keywords and terms from a single CSV file, without needing to manually add them individually through the Keywords form.

To access your Keywords, click on the Page Generator Pro menu entry in the WordPress Administration interface, and then click on Keywords.
Page Generator Pro: Keywords Menu

Looking to import terms into a single keyword, and use a delimiter and column names instead?  Refer to the Keywords Documentation.
Prefer to manage your Keyword data in Google Sheets? Consider using the Keyword’s CSV URL Source option instead, to save re-importing data every time a change is made.

To import multiple Keywords to Page Generator Pro, click the Import CSV or Spreadsheet button below the Page Generator Pro: Keywords title, which can be found towards the top of the screen:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Import CSV or Spreadsheet Button

The Import form will then be displayed, where you can define the following options:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Import CSV or Spreadsheet: Form


Choose the CSV file or spreadsheet on your computer to upload.

Import Method

Depending on your file structure and how you want to store the data, the following options are available:

Import Columns into a single Keyword

Page Generator Pro: Import Keywords: Import Columns into Single Keyword

This option is recommended if:

  • The data in your CSV file / spreadsheet is relational – for example, you’d want to only output a ZIP Code that belongs to a City or County, and
  • Column Names are stored in the CSV file / spreadsheet’s first row (e.g. A1, B1, C1 in the below example).

Import Columns as multiple Keywords

Page Generator Pro: Import Keywords: Import Columns into Multiple Keyword

This option is recommended if:

  • The data in your CSV file / spreadsheet is not relational – for example, your CSV file / spreadsheet contains a list of services offered and locations, and those services are available in all locations, and
  • Keyword Names are stored in the CSV file / spreadsheet’s first row.

Import Rows into a single Keyword

Page Generator Pro: Import Keywords: Import Rows into Single Keyword

This option is recommended if:

  • The data in your CSV file / spreadsheet is relational – for example, you’d want to only output a ZIP Code that belongs to a City or County, and
  • Column Names are stored in the CSV file / spreadsheet’s first column (e.g. A1, A2, C2 in the below example).

Import Rows as multiple Keywords

Page Generator Pro: Import Keywords: Import Rows into Multiple Keyword

This option is recommended if:

  • The data in your CSV file / spreadsheet is not relational – for example, your CSV file contains a list of services offered and locations, and those services are available in all locations, and
  • Keyword Names are stored in the CSV file / spreadsheet’s first column.
Newlines within a cell will be converted to HTML <br />.  Therefore, it’s recommended that you use HTML within a cell e.g. <p> and <br />, should you wish to have the best control over formatting.

Keyword Name

When importing data as a single Keyword, an option is displayed to specify the Keyword name to store the data in.

This must be a unique Keyword name that does not exist in the Keywords section of the Plugin.


When you’re finished, click the Import button.

A notification will be displayed confirming the number of Keywords that were imported successfully.

If you try to import a keyword that already exists, you’ll receive a warning telling you that the keyword has already been specified. None of the file’s contents will be imported.
Terms will be encapsulated with quotation marks, to preserve delimiters and other characters.  These are removed by Page Generator Pro upon Content Generation

Common Issues

The Columns field can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores

The CSV file’s columns (i.e. first row) must only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.

Data is mapped to the wrong columns

Ensure that:

We recommend:


Last Updated