Generate: WooCommerce Products


Older versions may work, however the steps below may not reflect the available functionality.
  • Page Generator Pro 2.6.9 or higher (releasing Thursday 11th June 2020 23:59 GMT)
  • WooCommerce 7.0.0 or higher
This guide refers to basic usage of Page Generator Pro with WooCommerce Products.  It is not a substitute for referring to the Generate: Content Documentation, which must be read first to understand all Content Group configuration options.

Add or Edit a Content Group

To add a new Content Group to Page Generator Pro, click the Add New button below the Content Groups title, which can be found towards the top of the screen:
Page Generator Pro: Generate Content:

You will then be presented with a screen similar to the one used to edit your WordPress Posts and Pages:
Page Generator Pro: Generate: Content: Divi: Add Content Group

It’s recommended that you first:

To edit an existing Content Group in Page Generator Pro, click the Title of the Group that you want to edit:
Page Generator Pro: Generate: Group Actions

Once you have created or edited your Content Group, you’ll need to:

  • Configure the Content Group to generate Products,
  • Define the WooCommerce Product data

Configure Content Group: Generate Products

Classic Editor

In the right hand sidebar:

  • Set the Post Type = Product within the Publish Meta Box:
    Page Generator Pro: WooCommerce: Product Post Type
  • Click the Save button


In the right hand sidebar:

  • Click the Document tab:
    Page Generator Pro: Generate: Content: Gutenberg: Document Tab
  • In the Publish section, set the Post Type = Product
    Page Generator Pro: WooCommerce: Gutenberg: Product Post Type
  • Click the Update button in the top right corner.

Page Builders

If you’re using a frontend Page Builder, you’ll need to exit the frontend Page Builder so that you can access the Content Group configuration.

Then follow the Classic Editor or Gutenberg section above.

Configure Content Group: Define WooCommerce Product Data

The Product short description field is an excerpt, therefore use the Content Group’s excerpt field to define this.

Classic Editor

In the main Content Group section:

  • Scroll down past the Content, Description, Permalink and other Meta Boxes until you see the WooCommerce Product data section:
    Page Generator Pro: WooCommerce: Product Data
  • Define the Product data as necessary.  Keywords are supported.


In the main Gutenberg editor section:

  • Scroll down past the Content, Description, Permalink and other sections until you see the WooCommerce Product data section:
    Page Generator Pro: WooCommerce: Gutenberg: Product Data
  • Define the Product data as necessary.  Keywords are supported.

Page Builders

If you’re using a frontend Page Builder, you’ll need to exit the frontend Page Builder so that you can access the WooCommerce Product Data section.

Then follow the Classic Editor or Gutenberg section above.

Using Keywords as Prices

Full support for using Keywords as Prices, Weight and Dimensions is available in Page Generator Pro 3.9.8, available Tuesday January 3rd 2023.  The below steps apply to older Plugin versions only.

WooCommerce will automatically hide Keywords from the Regular and Sale Price fields in the Content Group, due to them being non-numeric values.  However, the Keyword has been saved as the value for these fields.

To use Keywords as Prices, you must perform the following precise steps in order:

  1. Configure entire Content Group as required, excluding Regular and Sale Price
  2. Save Content Group
  3. Define Regular and/or Sale Price field values using Keywords as necessary
    Page Generator Pro: Generate: WooCommerce Products: Using Keyword for Price
  4. Save Content Group.  Regular and/or Sale Price fields will be blank, due to WooCommerce automatically hiding non-numeric values.  The underlying Keyword value has been saved.
    Page Generator Pro: Generate: WooCommerce Products: Using Keyword for Price
  5. Navigate to Page Generator Pro > Generate Content
    Page Generator Pro: Generate Content: Menu
  6. Click Generate via Browser for the applicable Content Group
    Page Generator Pro: Generate: WooCommerce Products: Generate via Browser

The generated WooCommerce Products will contain the applicable price(s):
Page Generator Pro: Generate: WooCommerce Products: Generated Product

If you subsequently make any edits to the Content Group, you must repeat the above process again.


Refer to the Generate: Run and Actions Documentation, which will then generate the products from this Content Group.