Settings: Integrations

Don’t see the Integrations tab on the Settings screen? It’s new to Page Generator Pro 3.3.4 and higher.  Ensure that your license is valid, not expired and that you’ve updated to the latest version of the Plugin.
If you’re using a version of Page Generator Pro older than 3.3.4, the settings below will have their own tabs in the Settings screen, instead of being grouped under the Integrations tab.


Airtable’s API Keys will stop working in January 2024. If you’re using an Airtable API Key, it’s recommended to follow this guide to generate a Personal Access Token and add it to Page Generator Pro’s settings.

To use Airtable as a Keyword Source, you’ll need to specify your Airtable Personal Access Token.

Obtain your Airtable Personal Access Token

  • Visit
  • Click the Create new token button
  • Enter a name for your own internal reference
    Page Generator Pro: Airtable: Name
  • For Scopes, click the Add a scope link and select data.records:read
    Page Generator Pro: Airtable: Scope
  • For Access, click the Add a base link and select the applicable bases you wish to use in Page Generator Pro
    Page Generator Pro: Airtable: Access
  • Click the Create token button
  • Copy the resulting Personal Access Token which is displayed
    Page Generator Pro: Airtable: Personal Access Token

Add Personal Access Token to Plugin Settings

Finally, in Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the Airtable Personal Access Token setting
  • Click the Save button.
If you only see an Airtable API Key field, you can insert your Personal Access Token here.

Claude AI

Claude AI integration is available in Page Generator Pro 4.5.9, releasing Thursday April 18th 2024 23:59 GMT.

To take advantage of Page Generator Pro’s AI generation for Keywords, Content Groups and Research, you may wish to use Claude AI.

Obtain a Claude AI Key

Set up Billing

To use the Claude AI, you must provide billing details.

  • Navigate to
  • Click Select Plan
    Page Generator Pro: Claude AI: Billing: Select Plan
  • Select either the Build or Scale plan.  It’s recommended to select the Build plan, as this will use pre-paid credits, ensuring you don’t go over your credit balance.
    Page Generator Pro: Claude AI: Billing: Select Plan Modal
  • Define a suitable initial credit purchase, and enter your card details. We recommend starting with a small amount, such as $5, with the auto-load credit option disabled.
    Page Generator Pro: Claude AI: Billing: Select Plan: Purchase
  • Once done, the credit will display in your account, and the Claude API will function
    Page Generator Pro: Claude AI: Billing: Credit Balance

Add API Key to Plugin Settings

In Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the Claude AI API Key setting,
  • Select an appropriate text model (Mistral 7B is recommended, and selected by default),
  • Click the Save button.

Gemini AI

Gemini AI integration is available in Page Generator Pro 4.6.0, releasing Thursday May 16th 2024 23:59 GMT.

To take advantage of Page Generator Pro’s AI generation for Keywords, Content Groups and Research, you may wish to use Gemini AI.

Obtain a Gemini AI Key

Set up Billing

To use the Gemini AI, you must provide billing details.

  • Navigate to
  • Click Go to billing next to the generated API Key
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integrations: Gemini AI: Go to Billing
  • If a billing account has already been linked, no further action should be required. You can confirm this by seeing the message “Billing account [name] is linked to this project”
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integrations: Gemini AI: Billing
  • If no billing account is linked:
    • Click Manage Billing Accounts
    • Click Create Account
      Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integrations: Gemini AI: Billing: Create Account
    • Enter a name for the billing account, and click Continue
      Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integrations: Gemini AI: Billing: New
    • Enter payment details, and click Submit and Enable Billing
      Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integrations: Gemini AI: Billing: Submit

Add API Key to Plugin Settings

In Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the Gemini AI API Key setting,
  • Select an appropriate text model,
  • Click the Save button.


Midjourney integration is available in Page Generator Pro 4.6.4, releasing Tuesday June 25th 2024 23:59 GMT.
Due to the detailed process of needing to register accounts across Discord, ImagineAPI and Midjourney, support for setup is limited.  Please work with Discord, ImagineAPI and Midjourney as necessary should you be unable to register an account with either, or have subscription / payment issues with their services.

To take advantage of Page Generator Pro’s AI image generation, you may wish to use Midjourney.

As Midjourney does not offer an official API, Page Generator Pro uses ImagineAPI to generate images through Midjourney.  You’ll therefore need to:

  • Register (or already have) a Discord account,
  • Register for a paid subscription on ImagineAPI
  • Register for a paid subscription on Midjourney
  • Generate a token on ImagineAPI, entering it in to the Plugin’s settings.


  • Visit
  • Register a Discord account
  • If you previously have a Discord account, ensure that 2FA is disabled.  This is required for ImagineAPI to function.



  • Visit
  • Click Get Started
  • Complete payment for the ImagineAPI subscription
  • Once registered, follow the on screen steps to link your Midjourney account
    Page Generator Pro: ImagineAPI: Link MidjourneyPage Generator Pro: ImagineAPI: Completed
  • Once your Midjourney account is linked, you’ll be invited to create an account on ImagineAPI
    Page Generator Pro: ImagineAPI: Create Account

On ImagineAPI, generate a token:

  • Visit
  • Click the user icon in the bottom left corner
    Page Generator Pro: ImagineAPI: User Icon
  • Scroll to the Token section
  • Click the Generate Token icon
    Page Generator Pro: ImagineAPI: Generate Token
  • Copy the token
  • Click the checkbox on the top right to save your account changes
    Page Generator Pro: ImagineAPI: Save

Add Token to Plugin Settings

In Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the Midjourney ( API Key setting,
  • Click the Save button.

Mistral AI

Mistral AI integration is available in Page Generator Pro 4.5.6, releasing Thursday April 4th 2024 23:59 GMT.

To take advantage of Page Generator Pro’s AI generation for Keywords, Content Groups and Research, you may wish to use Mistral AI.

Obtain a Mistral AI Key

Add API Key to Plugin Settings

In Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the Mistral AI API Key setting,
  • Select an appropriate text model (Mistral 7B is recommended, and selected by default),
  • Click the Save button.


The option to specify a Notion Internal Integration Secret is available in Page Generator Pro 4.5.0, releasing Thursday 11th January 2024 23:59 UTC.

To use Notion as a Keyword Source, you’ll need to specify your Notion Internal Integration Secret.

Obtain your Notion Internal Integration Secret

  • Visit
  • Click the New integration button
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integration: Notion: New Integration Button
  • Enter a name for your own internal reference
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integration: Notion: New Integration Form
  • Click Submit
  • On the Secrets screen that appears, click Show and make a note of the Internal Integration Secret
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integration: Notion: Internal Integration Secret
  • Click the Capabilities link, and ensure that Update content and Insert content are not ticked.
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integration: Notion: New Integration Permissions

    • Users who have access to your Internal Integration Secret can use it elsewhere.  Ensuring that your Notion data is read only through this integration is therefore strongly recommended.
  • Click Save changes

Permit your Notion Integration Access to your Database(s)

For each Notion database that you wish to use in Page Generator Pro:

  • Navigate to the database on Notion
  • Click the three dots symbol > Connections > Add connections, selecting the Integration created above (in this example, PGP)
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integration: Notion: Add Connection
  • Click the Confirm button
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integration: Notion: Add Connection Confirmation

Repeat these steps for each Notion database that you wish to use in Page Generator Pro’s Keyword system.

Add Personal Access Token to Plugin Settings

Finally, in Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the Internal Integration Secret into the Notion Internal Integration Secret setting
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integration: Notion: Settings
  • Click the Save button.


OpenAI integration is available in Page Generator Pro 4.1.0, releasing Thursday March 16th 2023 23:59 GMT.

To take advantage of Page Generator Pro’s AI generation for Keywords, Content Groups and Research, you may wish to use OpenAI.

Obtain an OpenAI Key

  • Register an account at OpenAI
  • Once logged in, navigate to
  • Click Create new secret key
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integrations: OpenAI: Create Secret Key
  • Define an optional Name, and select the applicable Project, clicking Create secret key
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integrations: OpenAI: Create Secret Key
  • Make a note of the API Key that displays on screen.
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Integrations: OpenAI: Create Secret Key

Add API Key to Plugin Settings

In Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the OpenAI API Key setting,
  • Select an appropriate text model (GPT-3.5: Turbo (ChatGPT) is recommended, and selected by default),
  • Click the Save button.
Access to GPT-4 models requires Pay-As-You-Go accounts have a minimum $1 payment on OpenAI. ChatGPT Plus accounts do not automatically have access to the GPT-4 API. Refer to the OpenAI Documentation. Alternatively, use a GPT-3.5 based model, which all OpenAI customers can use.  This can be selected in the Plugin’s Integration Settings.


Sometimes, you might reach an API limit when using the OpenWeatherMap Dynamic Element.

To resolve this, you’ll need to define some one-time OpenWeatherMap settings.

Enable the OpenWeatherMap API

Add API Key to Plugin Settings

Finally, in Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the OpenWeatherMap API Key setting,
  • Click the Save button.


Sometimes, you might reach an API limit when using the following functionality:

  • Pexels Dynamic Element
  • A Content Group’s Featured Image using the Pexels source.

To resolve this, you’ll need to define some one-time Pexels settings.

Enable the Pexels API

Add API Key to Plugin Settings

Finally, in Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the Pexels API Key setting,
  • Click the Save button.


Sometimes, you might reach an API limit when using the following functionality:

  • Pixabay Dynamic Element
  • A Content Group’s Featured Image using the Pixabay source.

To resolve this, you’ll need to define some one-time Pixabay settings.

Enable the Pixabay API

Add API Key to Plugin Settings

Finally, in Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the Pixabay API Key setting,
  • Click the Save button.


The option to specify a custom Yelp API Keyis available in Page Generator Pro 3.6.9, releasing Thursday May 12th 2022 23:59 GMT.

Sometimes, you might reach an API limit when using the following functionality:

  • Yelp Dynamic Element

To resolve this, you’ll need to define some one-time Yelp settings.

Enable the Yelp API

Add API Key to Plugin Settings

Finally, in Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the Yelp API Key setting,
  • Click the Save button.


Sometimes, you might reach an API limit when using the YouTube Dynamic Element.

To increase the API limit, you’ll need to add your own API key.

Create a new Project

To obtain an API Key, first create a new Project in the Google APIs Console

Enable the YouTube API

  • In the search field below the Welcome to the API Library title, start typing YouTube Data API v3.
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Google: Search APIs
  • Click on the result that appears
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Google: Search APIs: YouTube
  • Click on the blue Enable button
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Google: YouTube Data API v3
  • Click on the Create Credentials button
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Google: Create Credentials
  • Click the dropdown below the Which API are you using? question, and select the YouTube Data API v3
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Google: Which API
  • Click the dropdown below the Where will you be calling the API from? question, and select Web server
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Google: Calling From
  • For What data will you be accessing?, select Public data
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Google: Public Data
  • Click the What credentials do I need? button
    Page Generator Pro: Settings: Google: Creds Needed
  • Make a note of the API key displayed on screen
  • Click Done

Add API Keys to Plugin Settings

Finally, in Page Generator Pro’s Integration Settings screen:

  • Enter the API Key into the YouTube Data API Key setting,
  • Click the Save button.