

Keywords can be seen as template tags, with each Keyword comprising of one or more Terms.

For example, we might have a keyword called service, describing the services that our plumbing business offers.  Its terms could be:

  • bathroom installations
  • fixing leaks
  • central heating installation

There’s no limit to the number of terms a Keyword can have.

Keywords are then used throughout your Content Groups.  A Content Group defines a content template, from which Page Generator Pro will generate your Pages, Posts and/or Custom Post Types.
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Example {service} Keyword in Content Group

For each generated Page, Post or Custom Post Type, a different Term within each Keyword will be used.

Don’t worry if this conceptual structure doesn’t make sense immediately; working through the Documentation will join these concepts up, explaining them in more detail.

To access your Keywords, click on the Page Generator Pro menu entry in the WordPress Administration interface, and then click on Keywords.
Page Generator Pro: Keywords Menu

Adding / Editing Keywords

To add a Keyword to Page Generator Pro, click the Add Keyword button below the Page Generator Pro: Keywords title, which can be found towards the top of the screen:
Page Generator Pro: Import CSV

To edit an existing Keyword, click the Keyword in the table:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Edit

The Keyword form will then be displayed, where you can define various options.

  • Keyword: the unique template tag you’ll use when generating Pages / Posts / Custom Post Types.
    • The Keyword must be unique from any other Keywords that you might have already defined.
    • Make sure to only use letters, numbers and underscores.  Spaces and other characters will not work.
    • The Keyword cannot just be numbers

The remaining options depend on the Source selection, described below.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Sources

Sources are available in Page Generator Pro 3.0.8, releasing Thursday 25th February 2021.  Any versions prior to this treat all Keywords as being a Local source

When adding a Keyword, the option to define a source is available.

This source tells Page Generator Pro where to fetch the Terms from.

Source Description
Local The Keyword’s Terms are defined in the Keyword itself, and can be added/edited through the Keyword Form.
Airtable The Keyword’s Terms are defined in an Airtable Base Table
Claude AI The Keyword’s Terms are generated by Claude AI, based on the supplied topic / prompt
CSV File The Keyword’s Terms are defined in a CSV File that is uploaded to the WordPress Media Library
CSV URL The Keyword’s Terms are defined in a CSV file that’s remotely accessible via a direct URL (such as a Google Sheet)
Database The Keyword’s Terms are defined in a database table
Gemini AI The Keyword’s Terms are generated by Gemini AI, based on the supplied topic / prompt
Mistral AI The Keyword’s Terms are generated by Mistral AI, based on the supplied topic / prompt
Notion The Keyword’s Terms are defined in Notion
OpenAI The Keyword’s Terms are generated by OpenAI, based on the supplied topic / prompt
OpenRouter The Keyword’s Terms are generated by OpenRouter, based on the supplied topic / prompt
RSS Feed The Keyword’s Terms are defined in an RSS Feed
Spreadsheet The Keyword’s Terms are defined in a spreadsheet file that is uploaded to the WordPress Media Library

Changes made to data stored any non-local source will be fetched every time you Generate Content or Terms.  Therefore, it’s useful to define a CSV File, URL or Database source if you prefer to define your Keyword Terms in a file/database table that you commonly work on, instead of having to import the CSV/database table every time a change is made.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: Local

Terms cannot exceed 16mb in size. If they do, store the Terms in a remotely hosted CSV file and use the CSV URL or CSV File options instead.

When Source is set as local, the following option are displayed when adding or editing a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Local

  • Terms: The words or phrases that will be cycled through when generating content containing this Keyword.  Each word or phrase must be on its own line.
  • Delimiter: If the Terms contain deliniated data, define the delimiter here.  This is covered more in the Understanding Delimiter and Columns section below.
  • Columns: If the Terms contain deliniated data, define column names here.  This is covered more in the Understanding Delimiter and Columns section below.
  • Text File Import:
    • If you already have a list of Terms that you want to use for a Keyword in a text file, upload your file here.
    • This will append the data to the end of the Terms field – so any existing Terms that you might have specified above will remain.

The Terms field uses WordPress’ Code Editor (CodeMirror), which provides some useful functions:

The enhanced Terms UI is available in Page Generator Pro 3.5.2, releasing Thursday December 2nd 2021 23:59 UTC.
  • Line Numbering and Highlighting: Useful to see the index of each Term, particularly when wanting to run a Test against a specific Term, and the Term currently being edited.
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Terms Editor: Line Highlighting
  • Line Wrapping: Longer Term data is wrapped for easier readability:
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Terms Editor: Line Wrapping
  • Inline Search: Pressing Ctrl / Cmd and thekey, when focused on the Terms field, will show an inline search option.
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Terms Editor: Inline Search

If no Terms are specified, Page Generator Pro will attempt to automatically populate the list of Terms for you based on the Keyword supplied.  For example, defining a Keyword called love with no Terms produces the following:

Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Automatic Terms

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: Airtable

Airtable is available in Page Generator Pro 3.3.4, releasing Thursday 22nd July 2021.
This option is only displayed when the API Key has been specified in the Integration Settings.

When Source is set as Airtable, the following option are displayed when adding or editing a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Airtable

  • Base ID: The Airtable Base (spreadsheet) to use as the source of Keyword Data.  To obtain your Base ID:
    • Visit
    • Select the Base (spreadsheet)
      Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Airtable: Select Base
    • Make a note of the Base ID, entering it into the Base ID field
      Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Base ID
  • Table Name: The Airtable Base’s table to use as the source of Keyword Data.  To obtain your Table Name:
    • View the Airtable base at
    • Note the name of the applicable table in the tab
      Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Airtable: Select Table Name
  • Table View: The name of the view in the table to use for Keyword Data. To obtain your Table View:
    • View the Airtable base at
    • Note the name of the view in the left column:
      Page Generator Pro: Airtable: Table View
    • This is optional; if blank, all records in the table are used for Keyword Data.
    • Filters defined in your table’s view in Airtable are honored.
    • Fields hidden in your view will be returned, due to Airtable’s API. Use the Table Fields option below to restrict the fields to include in the Keyword Data.
  • Table Fields: A comma separated list of table fields to include in the Keyword Data.
    • This is optional; if blank, all fields for all rows are returned as columns.
    • If defined, only the specified fields for all rows are returned as columns.
    • For larger datasets where only specific columns of data are required for your Keyword, it’s recommended to define the column names here for performance.
The option to specify Table View and Table Fields is available in Page Generator Pro 4.2.7, releasing Thursday 6th July 2023 23:59 UTC.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: Claude AI

Claude AI as a Keyword Source is available in Page Generator Pro 4.5.9, releasing Thursday 18th April 2024 23:59 UTC.

When Source is set as Claude AI, the following options are displayed when adding a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Claude AI

  • Topic: The subject matter this Keyword relates to.  For example, to generate a list of Terms for your plumbing business, your topic might be:
    • Plumbing services
    • Bathroom plumbing services
    • Services related to plumbing
  • Limit: The maximum number of Terms to generate for this Keyword.
  • Language: The language to return the generated Terms, translated into the chosen language.
    • It’s recommended that the prompt be written in English.
The Claude AI option will only display if a Claude API Key is specified in the Integration Settings.
The Claude AI option will not display when editing an existing Keyword

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: CSV File

Sources are available in Page Generator Pro 3.0.8, releasing Thursday 25th February 2021.  Any versions prior to this treat all Keywords as being a Local source

When Source is set as CSV File, the following option are displayed when adding or editing a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: CSV File

  • CSV File: The CSV File in the Media Library to use as the source of Terms
    • Click the Choose File from Media Library button, and then either:
      • Upload the CSV File to the Media Library by dragging and dropping onto the modal window, and/or
      • Select the existing/uploaded CSV File in the Media Library
  • Columns in First Row:
    • If enabled, the first row’s values will be used as the Keyword’s Column Names.  The CSV file must comprise of the following example structure:
      Page Generator Pro: Import Keywords: Import Columns into Single Keyword
    • Columns and Delimiters are covered in the Understanding Delimiter and Columns section below.
  • Delimiter: If the CSV’s first row contains column names, specify the delimiter used in the CSV file.  Typically this is a comma.
The CSV File must remain in the Media Library for Generate Content and Generate Terms functionality to work with this Keyword.  If this isn’t possible, use the Import CSV functionality to import your CSV File(s) as local source Keywords, where Terms are then stored in the Keyword itself.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: CSV URL

Sources are available in Page Generator Pro 3.0.8, releasing Thursday 25th February 2021.  Any versions prior to this treat all Keywords as being a Local source

When Source is set as CSV URL, the following option are displayed when adding or editing a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: CSV URL

  • CSV URL: The direct URL to the CSV file.
    • This must be a publicly accessible URL
  • Columns in First Row:
    • If enabled, the first row’s values will be used as the Keyword’s Column Names.  The CSV file must comprise of the following example structure:
      Page Generator Pro: Import Keywords: Import Columns into Single Keyword
    • Columns and Delimiters are covered in the Understanding Delimiter and Columns section below.
  • Delimiter: If the CSV’s first row contains column names, specify the delimiter used in the CSV file.  Typically this is a comma.
The CSV URL must remain publicly accessible for Generate Content and Generate Terms functionality to work with this Keyword.  If this isn’t possible, download the CSV URL, and then use the Import CSV functionality to import your CSV File(s) as local source Keywords, where Terms are then stored in the Keyword itself.

Google Sheets

To use a Google Sheets Document as the source:

  • Open the Google Sheets Document in your web browser
  • Click the Share button
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Google Sheets: Share
  • Click the Change link in the Get link section
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Google Sheets: Change
  • Click the dropdown, and select Anyone with the link
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Google Sheets: Access
  • Confirm that the right hand dropdown is set to Viewer, to ensure non-authenticated users can only view the data, and not edit it:
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Google Sheets: Viewer
  • Click the Copy link button
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Google Sheets: Copy Link
  • Paste the link into the CSV URL field of the Keyword in Page Generator Pro
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Google Sheets: CSV URL
The delimiter for Google Sheets should always be a comma.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: Database

Sources are available in Page Generator Pro 3.0.8, releasing Thursday 25th February 2021.  Any versions prior to this treat all Keywords as being a Local source

When Source is set as Database, the following option are displayed when adding or editing a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Database

  • Table: The database table to use as Terms for this Keyword.
The database table must remain existing for Generate Content and Generate Terms functionality to work with this Keyword.  If this isn’t possible, export your database table to a CSV File, and then use the Import CSV functionality to import your CSV File(s) as local source Keywords, where Terms are then stored in the Keyword itself.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: Gemini AI

Gemini AI as a Keyword Source is available in Page Generator Pro 4.6.0, releasing Thursday 16th May 2024 23:59 UTC.

When Source is set as Gemini AI, the following options are displayed when adding a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Gemini AI

  • Topic: The subject matter this Keyword relates to.  For example, to generate a list of Terms for your plumbing business, your topic might be:
    • Plumbing services
    • Bathroom plumbing services
    • Services related to plumbing
  • Limit: The maximum number of Terms to generate for this Keyword.
  • Language: The language to return the generated Terms, translated into the chosen language.
    • It’s recommended that the prompt be written in English.
The Gemini AI option will only display if a Gemini API Key is specified in the Integration Settings.
The Gemini AI option will not display when editing an existing Keyword

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: Mistral AI

Mistral AI as a Keyword Source is available in Page Generator Pro 4.5.6, releasing Thursday 4th April 2024 23:59 UTC.

When Source is set as Mistral AI, the following options are displayed when adding a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keyword Sources: Mistral AI

  • Topic: The subject matter this Keyword relates to.  For example, to generate a list of Terms for your plumbing business, your topic might be:
    • Plumbing services
    • Bathroom plumbing services
    • Services related to plumbing
  • Limit: The maximum number of Terms to generate for this Keyword.
  • Language: The language to return the generated Terms, translated into the chosen language.
    • It’s recommended that the prompt be written in English.
The Mistral AI option will only display if a Mistral API Key is specified in the Integration Settings.
The Mistral AI option will not display when editing an existing Keyword

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: Notion

Notion is available in Page Generator Pro 4.5.0, releasing Thursday 11th January 2023.
This option is only displayed when the Internal Integration Secret has been specified in the Integration Settings.

When Source is set as Notion, the following option are displayed when adding or editing a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Notion

  • Database ID: The Notion Database to use as the source of Keyword Data.  To obtain your Database ID:
    • Login to your Notion account at
    • Select the applicable Database
      Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Notion: Select Database
    • Copy the string between and ?v.  In this example, the Database ID would be 5f4af7fdaac145a9abe9da93f64dab47
      Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: Notion: Get Database ID
    • Enter this Database ID into the Database ID field of the Keyword.
  • Table Fields: A comma separated list of table fields to include in the Keyword Data.
    • This is optional; if blank, all fields for all rows are returned as columns.
    • If defined, only the specified fields for all rows are returned as columns.
    • For larger datasets where only specific columns of data are required for your Keyword, it’s recommended to define the column names here for performance.
If an error message is displayed stating Could not find database with ID: XXX. Make sure the relevant pages and databases are shared with your integration, you must grant your Notion integration access to your Notion database.  See Docs, heading “Permit your Notion Integration Access to your Database(s)”

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: OpenAI

OpenAI as a Keyword Source is available in Page Generator Pro 4.1.2, releasing Thursday 30th March 2023 23:59 UTC.

When Source is set as OpenAI, the following options are displayed when adding a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keyword Source: OpenAI

  • Topic: The subject matter this Keyword relates to.  For example, to generate a list of Terms for your plumbing business, your topic might be:
    • Plumbing services
    • Bathroom plumbing services
    • Services related to plumbing
  • Limit: The maximum number of Terms to generate for this Keyword.
  • Language: The language to return the generated Terms, translated into the chosen language.
    • It’s recommended that the prompt be written in English.
The OpenAI option will only display if an OpenAI API Key is specified in the Integration Settings.
The OpenAI option will not display when editing an existing Keyword

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: OpenRouter

OpenRouter as a Keyword Source is available in Page Generator Pro 4.7.0, releasing Monday 12th August 2024 23:59 UTC.

When Source is set as OpenRouter, the following options are displayed when adding a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: OpenRouter

  • Topic: The subject matter this Keyword relates to.  For example, to generate a list of Terms for your plumbing business, your topic might be:
    • Plumbing services
    • Bathroom plumbing services
    • Services related to plumbing
  • Limit: The maximum number of Terms to generate for this Keyword.
  • Language: The language to return the generated Terms, translated into the chosen language.
    • It’s recommended that the prompt be written in English.
The OpenRouter option will only display if an OpenRouter API Key and Model is specified in the Integration Settings.
The OpenRouter option will not display when editing an existing Keyword

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: RSS Feed

Airtable is available in Page Generator Pro 3.3.5, releasing Thursday 28th July 2021.

When Source is set as RSS Feed, the following option are displayed when adding or editing a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Source: RSS Feed

  • RSS Feed: The direct URL to the RSS feed.
    • This must be a publicly accessible RSS Feed
The RSS Feed URL must remain publicly accessible for Generate Content and Generate Terms functionality to work with this Keyword.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Source: Spreadsheet

The Spreadsheet Source is available in Page Generator Pro 3.4.5, releasing Thursday 14th October 2021.
For performance across Keywords and Generation, it’s strongly recommended to either convert a spreadsheet to a CSV file in your spreadsheet editor, using CSV File option above, or using the Import Spreadsheet functionality.

When Source is set as Spreadsheet, the following option are displayed when adding or editing a Keyword on the Keyword form:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Spreadsheet Source

  • Spreadsheet: The Spreadsheet in the Media Library to use as the source of Terms
    • Click the Choose File from Media Library button, and then either:
      • Upload the Spreadsheet to the Media Library by dragging and dropping onto the modal window, and/or
      • Select the existing/uploaded Spreadsheet in the Media Library
  • Columns in First Row:
    • If enabled, the first row’s values will be used as the Keyword’s Column Names.  The spreadsheet file must comprise of the following example structure:
      Page Generator Pro: Import Keywords: Import Columns into Single Keyword
    • Columns and Delimiters are covered in the Understanding Delimiter and Columns section below.
The spreadsheet must remain in the Media Library for Generate Content and Generate Terms functionality to work with this Keyword.  If this isn’t possible, use the Import functionality to import your spreadsheet(s) as local source Keywords, where Terms are then stored in the Keyword itself.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Saving

When you’re finished, click the Save button.  A notification will be displayed confirming that the Keyword saved successfully.
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Success Notification

If you try to create / change a keyword to one that already exists, you’ll receive a warning telling you that the keyword has already been specified. Each keyword must be unique.

Adding / Editing Keywords: Viewing Terms

Once a Keyword has been added, its Terms can be viewed, depending on the Source:

  • When Source is Local, the Terms can be edited in the form field:
    Page Generator Pro: Edit Keyword: Terms Form
  • When Source is not Local, Terms are displayed in a paginated, searchable table.
    Page Generator Pro: Edit Keyword: Terms Table
    Clicking the Refresh Data button will reload the Terms from the third party source:
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Third Party: Refresh Data Button
If you have updated your third party source e.g. a Google Sheet, it’s not necessary to click Refresh Data. Page Generator Pro will automatically fetch the latest terms from the source immediately prior to generation.

Support for Multiple Lines

When adding or editing content to a Keyword that spans multiple lines for a single Term, you’ll need to use HTML and ensure that the Term is on a single line, with no line breaks.

Let’s assume that you have the following example Keyword configured (colors used to denote two Terms for illustrative purposes only):

Setting Value
Keyword description
Terms I am the first description across
two lines.
I am the second description across
two lines.

You would define the Terms as follows:

Setting Value
Keyword description
Terms I am the first description across<br />two lines.
I am the second description across<br />two lines.

If you already have HTML, again it must be on a single line:

Setting Value
Keyword description
Terms <p>First Term First paragraph</p>
<p>First Term Second paragraph</p>
<p>Second Term First paragraph</p>
<p>Second Term Second paragraph</p>

You would define the Terms as follows:

Setting Value
Keyword description
Terms <p>First Term First paragraph</p><p>First Term Second paragraph</p>
<p>Second Term First paragraph</p><p>Second Term Second paragraph</p>

Understanding Delimiter and Columns

When adding or editing a Keyword, you’ll see options on the Keywords form to optionally define a Delimiter (and, if the source is local, Columns).

When specified, these provide greater control over which part of a Term to output when using the Keyword in our content.

Let’s assume that you have the following example Keyword configured:

Setting Value
Keyword location
Terms Birmingham, West Midlands
Harborne, West Midlands
Selly Oak, West Midlands

We can define the Delimiter and Columns as:

  • Delimiter: , (comma)
  • Columns: city_name,county_name

This means that we could use the Keyword, with a Column Name, in our Content Groups to output a partial Term value:

Keyword Example Value
{location(city_name)} Birmingham
{location(county_name)} West Midlands
The pipe symbol is not supported in the delimiter field.
There should be no spaces in the columns field.
Regardless of the character used in the delimiter field, columns in the columns field must be separated by a comma.

Using the Delimiter Character within Terms

It’s highly recommended to set a Keyword’s Source as CSV File / CSV URL, or use the Import CSV functionality. This will automatically handle encapsulation of the delimiter character.

Let’s assume that you have the following example Keyword configured:

Setting Value
Keyword location
Terms Birmingham, West Midlands, 100,000
Harborne, West Midlands, 10,000
Selly Oak, West Midlands, 20,000

We can define the Delimiter and Columns as:

  • Delimiter: , (comma)
  • Columns: city_name,county_name,population

Saving this Keyword would result in the following error:
The number of column names detected does not match the number of deliniated items in the first term.

This is because the Delimiter (comma) is used for formatting the Population numbers (e.g. 100,000).

We can tell the Plugin to ignore the Population delimiter by wrapping the Population data in quotes:

Setting Value
Keyword location
Birmingham, West Midlands, "100,000"
Harborne, West Midlands, "10,000"
Selly Oak, West Midlands, "20,000"
Page Generator Pro will automatically strip the quotes from the output when {location(population)} is used.

Using Quotation Marks within Delineated Terms

It’s highly recommended to set a Keyword’s Source as CSV File / CSV URL, or use the Import CSV functionality. This will automatically handle quotation marks within cells.

Let’s assume that you have the following example Keyword configured:

Setting Value
Keyword location
Terms “Birmingham, West Midlands”,”<h2 class=”title”>Birmingham, West Midlands</h2>”
“Harborne, West Midlands”,”<h2 class=”title”>Harborne, West Midlands</h2>”
“Selly Oak, West Midlands”,”<h2 class=”title”>Selly Oak, West Midlands</h2>”

Again, we can define the Delimiter and Columns as:

  • Delimiter: , (comma)
  • Columns: city,html

We’re using quotation marks around our Terms (for example, “Birmingham, West Midlands”), so that the comma delimiter is preserved as covered in the Using the Delimiter Character within Terms section above.

However, using the {location(html)} Keyword will wrongly result in <h2>Birmingham being output, instead of <h2>Birmingham, West Midlands</h2>, because we’re also using quotation marks within a delineated Term.

By escaping these quotation marks with a backslash (\), the Term(s) are fully preserved and therefore output correctly:

Setting Value
Keyword location
Terms “Birmingham, West Midlands”,”<h2 class=\“title\“>Birmingham, West Midlands</h2>”
“Harborne, West Midlands”,”<h2 class=\“title\“>Harborne, West Midlands</h2>”
“Selly Oak, West Midlands”,”<h2 class=\“title\“>Selly Oak, West Midlands</h2>”
Page Generator Pro will automatically strip the backslash escaping from the quotation marks for the output when {location(html)} is used.
It’s important not to use &#34; for a quotation mark in your raw CSV data. This will result in parsing and encoding errors.

Support for Blank Entries

If a Term has no data, a blank value must still be specified, by using the HTML space character, &nbsp;

Let’s assume that you have the following example Keyword configured, that has no data for the second term (colors used to denote three Terms for illustrative purposes only):

Setting Value
Keyword test
Terms I am the first term
I am the third term

If a Term Column has no data, quotation marks with no data can be specified.  For example, if our second Term (Harborne, West Midlands) does not have a value for the html column:

Setting Value
Keyword location
Delimiter ,
Column Names name,html
Terms “Birmingham, West Midlands”,”<h2 class=\“title\“>Birmingham, West Midlands</h2>”
“Harborne, West Midlands”,””
“Selly Oak, West Midlands”,”<h2 class=\“title\“>Selly Oak, West Midlands</h2>”

Search Keywords

To search existing Keywords, enter part or all of the Keyword Name in the search box:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Search

Click the Search button to see matching results.

Sort Keywords

To sort existing Keywords, click the Keyword column.  Repeating this will sort the Keywords in the opposite order.

Define Table Columns to Display

By default, all Keyword attributes are displayed on screen:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Table Columns

You can adjust which columns of data to display by:

  • Clicking the Screen Options tab at the top right of the screen:
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Screen Options
  • Check or uncheck the relevant columns to display/hide:
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Screen Options: Table Columns
  • Click the Apply button

Define Number of Keywords Per Page

By default, up to 20 Keywords are displayed on screen before pagination is then output, allowing you to paginate through your Keywords:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Pagination

You can adjust the number of Keywords per Page by:

  • Clicking the Screen Options tab at the top right of the screen:
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Screen Options
  • Enter the number of Keywords to display per Page:
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Screen Options: Pagination
  • Click the Apply button
This setting is stored on a per-User basis, and therefore only affects the current logged in User.   

Duplicate a Keyword

To duplicate an existing Keyword:

  1. Hover the mouse cursor over the Keyword that you want to duplicate.
  2. Click on the Duplicate link which then appears below the Keyword
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Duplicate

The Keyword will then appear within your list of Keywords, with _copy appended to it:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Duplication Result

If you try to change a keyword to one that already exists, you’ll receive a warning telling you that the keyword has already been specified. Each keyword must be unique.

Export a Keyword to CSV

To export an existing Keyword to CSV

  1. Hover the mouse cursor over the Keyword that you want to duplicate.
  2. Click on the Export to CSV link which then appears below the Keyword
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Export CSV

A CSV file will then be downloaded by your web browser, named as the Keyword

Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Export CSV Download

This option is useful if you need to mass edit Term(s) in a Keyword. Once done, you can import the Keyword CSV file.
This functionality is designed for basic text only. More complex Keywords that might include quotation marks and HTML may not export correctly.
Export to CSV will always use a comma as the delimiter.  If your Keyword uses a different delimiter, Export to CSV is unlikely to work.  It is a utility function, nothing more.

Delete a Keyword

To delete a Keyword, either:

  • Use the checkboxes to the left of the keyword(s) you wish to delete, and then choose Delete from the Bulk Actions dropdown
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Bulk Delete
  • Hover the mouse cursor over the keyword, and then click the Delete link:
    Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Delete
Once a Keyword is deleted, it cannot be restored.  Any Content Groups that use this Keyword will need to also be updated.

Common Issues

Keyword could not be added to the database. Database error: Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes

When importing a CSV File or CSV URL, the size of the data in the CSV file / URL exceeds the maximum size permitted by your web host’s database for a single query.


  • Work with your web host to increase the database’s max_allowed_packet directive,
  • Reduce the size of your CSV file / URL

Call to undefined method League\Csv\Reader::setHeaderOffset()

A third party Plugin will be loading an outdated version of this library, which is missing key functionality.  To resolve:

  • Deactivate all other Plugins,
  • Test saving a Keyword,
  • Activate Plugins individually, saving a Keyword each time, until the conflicting Plugin is found
  • Open a support request with the conflicting third party Plugin, ensuring they update to LeagueCSV 9.x or higher

Known third party Plugins which have been previously reported to include an outdated version of this library include:

  • Ninja Tables
  • MailOptin – LiteIt

Invalid nonce..!! when saving

The Contact Form CFDB7 Plugin incorrectly attempts to perform security checks on a Keyword form submission.

To resolve:

  1. Deactivate the Contact Form CFDB7 Plugin,
  2. Perform necessary edits on Keywords,
  3. Activate Contact Form CFDB7 Plugin.

Refer to the following for guide on deactivating Plugins.