
Keywords: Generate Locations

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Page Generator Pro » Keywords: Generate Locations

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Page Generator Pro allows you to automatically produce location based Keywords.  These keywords contain a list of locations (terms), based on some basic criteria that you provide – for example, all cities within a region / state, or all ZIP Codes in a radius of a starting point.

Locations (Terms) in these Keywords can comprise of some or all of the following data:

Don’t see all of these Output Types? You’ll need Page Generator Pro 2.4.5 or higher.  Ensure that your license is valid, not expired and that you’ve updated to the latest version of the Plugin.


  • ZIP Codes
  • ZIP Codes Latitude and Longitude
  • Cities (including Neighborhoods)
  • Cities Latitude and Longitude
  • Cities Population
  • Cities Population Breakdown (by Gender, Age Range and Ethnicity)
  • Cities Median Household Income
  • Cities Wikipedia URL
  • Counties
  • Counties (Local Language)
  • Counties Code
  • Counties Wikipedia URL
  • Regions (States)
  • Regions (States) (Local Language)
  • Regions (States) Code
  • Regions (States) Wikipedia URL


  • Street Names
  • Zipcode Districts (the first part of a Postal Code e.g. B1, LS25)
  • ZIP Codes
  • ZIP Codes Latitude and Longitude
  • Cities
  • Cities Latitude and Longitude
  • Cities Population
  • Cities Wikipedia URL
  • Counties
  • Counties (Local Language)
  • Counties Code
  • Counties Wikipedia URL
  • Regions (States)
  • Regions (States) (Local Language)
  • Regions (States) Code
  • Regions (States) Wikipedia URL

Other Countries

  • ZIP Codes
  • ZIP Codes Latitude and Longitude
  • Cities
  • Cities Latitude and Longitude
  • Cities Population
  • Cities Wikipedia URL
  • Counties
  • Counties (Local Language)
  • Counties Code
  • Counties Wikipedia URL
  • Regions (States)
  • Regions (States) (Local Language)
  • Regions (States) Code
  • Regions (States) Wikipedia URL
We only hold population data for incorporated, larger towns and cities.  Smaller towns, villages and settlements will not have any population data.

To access your Keywords, click on the Page Generator Pro menu entry in the WordPress Administration interface, and then click on Keywords.
Page Generator Pro: Keywords Menu

Add a New Location Keyword

To add a new Location Keyword to Page Generator Pro, click the Generate Locations button below the Page Generator Pro: Keywords title, which can be found towards the top of the screen:
Page Generator Pro: Generate Locations: Button

Don’t see the Generate Locations option? It’s new to Page Generator Pro 1.7.8 and higher.  Ensure that your license is valid, not expired and that you’ve updated to the latest version of the Plugin.

The Generate Locations form will then be displayed, where you can define the following options:
Page Generator Pro: Keywords: Generate Locations

KeywordThe template tag you’ll use when generating Pages / Posts / Custom Post Types.  This must be unique, and not a template tag you’ve already defined.
Output TypeDefines the data that you want to use from each Location, storing it as a Term against this Keyword.

Clicking this field will present a list of valid Output Types:
Page Generator Pro: Generate Locations: Output Types: Dropdown

Click an Output Type to include it in the generated Keyword Terms.  For example, to return a list of ZIP Codes and Cities:

  1. Click inside the field
  2. Select the Postcode option
  3. Select the City option
Page Generator Pro: Generate Locations: Output Types: City

To change the order of existing selected fields, drag and drop them.

Sort Terms ByDepending on the Output Type and Method values selected, generated terms (locations) can be stored in a specific order:
  • Distance
  • City Name
  • City Population (* Page Generator Pro 3.8.7+, releasing Thursday 25th August 2022 23:59 UTC)
  • County Name
  • Region Name
  • ZIP Code

Note: Not all options above will be available, depending on the other options chosen. For example, Distance is only available when Method = Radius.

CountryThe country that you’ll be generating Locations within.
The radius method will populate this Keyword’s Terms with all Locations that fall within the given Radius from the given Starting City / ZIP Code.Area:
The area method will populate this Keyword’s Terms with all Locations that fall within the given area constraints.

Output Type: Local Langauge

Local Language options are available in Page Generator Pro 2.9.2 and higher, releasing Thursday 12th November 2020 23:59 UTC.

The following options will return data in the country’s primary local language:

  • Regions (Local Language)
  • Counties (Local Language)

These Output Types are recommended for non-English language sites, where e.g. place names are different in the local language.


The Exclusions option when using the Radius method is available in Page Generator Pro 3.9.0, releasing Thursday 6th October 2022 23:59 UTC.

The radius method will populate this Keyword’s Terms with all Locations that fall within the given Radius from the given Starting City / ZIP Code.

This method is useful if, for example, you / your client offers services within a specific radius of your business location.

When using the Radius Method, the following additional options are displayed:

Starting City / ZIP CodeDefine the central starting point.  This is used in conjunction with the Radius option below, and will define a circular area from which all Locations will be added to this Keyword’s Terms. It must be either a City or a ZIP Code, for example:
  • Birmingham
  • 37208

It cannot be in any other format – for example, but not limited to:

  • Birmingham, West Midlands
RadiusThe number of miles from the Starting City / ZIP Code to search for Locations.  Any Locations found will be added to this Keyword’s Terms.
ExclusionsAny Locations partially or fully matching the given strings will be excluded from the Keyword’s Terms.  For example, to exclude Mobile Parks from Location results, you’d enter mobile parks. Exclusions are case insensitive.


The area method will populate this Keyword’s Terms with all Locations that fall within the given area constraints.

This method is useful if, for example, you / your client offers products or services within a specific Region(s), County(s) or City(s).

When using the Area Method, the following additional options are displayed:

Restrict by City / CitiesLocations will only be added to the Keyword’s Terms if they match the given City / Cities.
Restrict by County / CountiesLocations will only be added to the Keyword’s Terms if they match the given County / Counties.
Restrict by Region(s)Locations will only be added to the Keyword’s Terms if they match the given Region / Regions.
Restrict by City PopulationLimit Terms to Cities within the given Population Limits. Leave blank to specify no limit.
We only hold population data for incorporated, larger towns and cities.  Smaller towns, villages and settlements will not have any population data.  Therefore, applying a minimum / maximum limits here will typically yield more well known towns and cities in the resultset.

Restrict by City Median Household Income USA Only: Limit Terms to Cities within the given Median Household Income Limits. Leave blank to specify no limit.

We only hold median household income data for USA based incorporated, larger towns and cities.  Smaller towns, villages and settlements will not have this data.

Exclusions Any Locations partially or fully matching the given strings will be excluded from the Keyword’s Terms.  For example, to exclude Mobile Parks from Location results, you’d enter mobile parks. Exclusions are case insensitive.

Radius or area constraints must be defined, and generating locations for an entire country in one Keyword is unlikely to work, given the large data size.

Example Usage

The following examples are typical / more common use cases for the Generate Locations functionality, but are not exhaustive.

ZIP Codes within a given Radius of a City

For example: generate a list of ZIP Codes within a 10 mile radius of Birmingham, UK, storing the Terms by nearest to furthest from Birmingham, UK.

Output TypeZIP Code
Sort Terms ByDistance, Ascending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Starting City / ZIP CodeBirmingham

ZIP Codes within a given Radius of a ZIP Code

For example: generate a list of ZIP Codes within a 100 mile radius of B1 2JB, UK, storing the Terms by furthest to nearest from Birmingham, UK.

Output TypeZIP Code
Sort Terms ByDistance, Descending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Starting City / ZIP CodeB1 2JB

City and ZIP Codes within a given Radius of a City

For example: generate a list of Cities and ZIP Codes within a 10 mile radius of Birmingham, UK, storing the Terms by ZIP Code, A to Z.

Output TypeCity, ZIP Code
Sort Terms ByZIP Code, Ascending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Starting City / ZIP CodeBirmingham

City and ZIP Codes within a given Radius of a ZIP Code

For example: generate a list of Cities and ZIP Codes within a 100 mile radius of B1 2JB, UK, storing the Terms by ZIP Code, Z to A.

Output TypeCity, ZIP Code
Sort Terms ByZIP Code, Descending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Starting City / ZIP CodeB1 2JB

Street Names within a given City

This feature is only available for United Kingdom location data.

For example: generate a list of Street Names in Birmingham, UK.

Output TypeStreet Name
Sort Terms ByStreet Name, Ascending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Restrict by City / CitiesBirmingham

ZIP Codes within a given City

For example: generate a list of ZIP Codes in the City of Birmingham, UK, storing the Terms by ZIP Code, A to Z.

Output TypeZIP Code
Sort Terms ByZIP Code, Ascending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Restrict by City / CitiesBirmingham

ZIP Codes within a given Cities

For example: generate a list of ZIP Codes in the Cities of Birmingham, UK and Manchester, UK, storing the Terms by ZIP Code, Z to A.

Output TypeZIP Code
Sort Terms ByZIP Code, Descending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Restrict by City / CitiesBirmingham, Manchester

ZIP Codes within a given County

For example: generate a list of ZIP Codes in the County of West Midlands, UK, storing the Terms by ZIP Code, A to Z.

Output TypeZIP Code
Sort Terms ByZIP Code, Ascending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Restrict by County / CountiesWest Midlands

ZIP Codes within given Counties

For example: generate a list of ZIP Codes in the Counties of West Midlands, UK and East Midlands, UK, storing the Terms by ZIP Code, A to Z.

Output TypeZIP Code
Sort Terms ByZIP Code, Ascending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Restrict by County / CountiesWest Midlands, East Midlands

Cities and ZIP Codes within a given County

For example: generate a list of Cities and ZIP Codes in the County of West Midlands, UK, storing the Terms by City, A to Z.

Output TypeCity, ZIP Code
Sort Terms ByCity, Ascending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Restrict by County / CountiesWest Midlands

Cities and ZIP Codes within given Counties

For example: generate a list of Cities and ZIP Codes in the Counties of West Midlands, UK and East Midlands, UK, storing the Terms by City, Z to A.

Output TypeCity, ZIP Code
Sort Terms ByCity, Descending
CountryUnited Kingdom
Restrict by County / CountiesWest Midlands, East Midlands

Cities within a given Region (State) with a minimum Population of 5,000

For example: generate a list of Cities in the Region (State) of Georgia, USA.

Output TypeCity, City Population
Sort Terms ByCity Population, Descending
CountryUnited States of America
Restrict by Region / RegionsGeorgia
Restrict by PopulationMinimum: 5000, Maximum: blank
If you try to create / change a keyword to one that already exists, you’ll receive a warning telling you that the keyword has already been specified. Each keyword must be unique.


Last Updated